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The morning came with an unbearable headache and hangover. Draco felt himself awake, but couldn't open his eyes. His eyelids seemed to acquire a few kilograms of weight overnight. His whole body felt lethargic. His limbs did not want to move out of the warm blanket. Giving up the idea of waking up for that moment, Draco wrapped the blanket more tightly around himself and chose to drift into deep slumber again. But something moved beside him. Or was it someone? And as if on cue, that someone let out a soft groan.

What the -!

Draco's eyes jerked open and he was suddenly very much aware of the soft body pressed against him. Memories of last night flashed on his mind - they sat down to drink few glasses of wine, the air was full of anticipation, then a hazy memory of him touching her face, the surprise in her eyes, him pulling back and the kiss.

Oh Merlin! What the hell did I do last night?!

He hastily looked under the blanket and let out a relieved sigh. Both of them were dressed.

He closed his eyes to remember more of last night. But after the kiss, his memory was not much clear. He vaguely remembered the heat... the passion... the softness of her body under him as they tumbled on the blanket in front of the fireplace. But he could not remember what happened after that. He just hoped that nothing happened which both of them would regret in the morning.

Hermione's voice brought his wandering mind to present.

"No need for that deep frawn so early in the morning, Malfoy. I wasn't so drunk that you would have taken advantage of me."

"What! I... Hermione... I would never ever take advange of you, drunk or not drunk. I can't even think of-"

"Hey, hey, relax. I was just kidding with you. I know that you would never take advantage of me. You made it very clear last night."

This time Draco looked at her closely, "You remember about last night?"

"It's a bit blurry, but remember enough."


After a few minutes of silence Draco said, "So... last night.... ummm....what did I do exactly?"

Hermione giggled, "You really want to know what 'exactly' you did? All the itsy bitsy gory details?"

"Someone is in a playful mood, huh!" Draco lifted his head, turned towards Hermione, supporting his weight on one elbow. His eyes were sparkling with mirth. Some of his ruffled hair fell on his forehead. Hermione had never seen him this unkept... "or this handsome" said the small voice at the back of her mind.

She silently reached for the locks of his hair that were sticking to odd corners. His hair was velvety soft under her fingers. She combed them with her fingers, trying to fix them in proper places. While doing so, she said mildly, "Last night you proved that you are way better than I imagined, you know. I was willing, almost drunk, under your arms. Still, at the last moment you told that you didn't want to do it that way, not when both of us were drunk."

Draco looked at her eyes. They were looking at him with so much trust that for a moment he thought he was dreaming. These were the eyes of the woman he married, not the woman he woke up with few months back. Something deep inside him churned, his heart dared to hope for more and he thanked silently the reasonable part of his head to be present there last night.

"Hermione", he called softly.


"It is stark daylight. None of us are drunk. It's true that I have a nasty hangover. But that's nothing compared to what I am... well... my feelings-"

Hermione laughed, "You are blabbering. And as far as I have known you, you are not someone to blabber."

He looked at her sheepishly and said, "I usually don't. I am a bit nervous,  that's all."

"Why?" Hermione's voice trembled as she whispered.

Draco cradled her face with his palm and traced her lips with his finger. Placing his lips an inch away from her ear he said, "Because my whole existance is screaming at me to finish what we started last night".

Hermione gasped as Draco grazed the side of her neck with his teeth. She hugged him with both hands and snuggled closer.

Draco left trail of soft kisses along her neck and burried his face at the crook of her neck. He closed his eyes and took in the scent that was uniquely her. He still couldn't believe it to be real. For months he went through the torment of being a stranger in his own house, being away from his wife - both physically and mentally. The mental separation was more cruel than the physical one.

But then, at that exact moment, in her arms, he felt free. After long time he felt so relieved that it braught tears to his eyes. He hugged her tighter and said, " Oh Hermione, you have no idea how much I have missed you. Please promise me you won't leave me again."

"I promise, D-Draco."

"Say it again."


"My name."


This time he captured her lips in a slow but passionate kiss.

Soon the clothes were scattered hafazardly in the room... the only sounds were ragged breaths and moans of ecstasy... raw magic was sparkling in the air as two kindered souls became one through the most primitive bonding...

And at the same time, in another house, the house elf peered through the doors of her mistress's bedroom to  find why she was so late to wake up. Moments later, the scream of the frightened elf pierced through the silent morning air...

A/N- Happy Sunday, dear readers.

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