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"PINK DIAMOOOOOOD!!!!" Were Jasper's last words before her mind went blank. Before she lost any bit of sanity before the corruption has finally consumed her mind. Steven and Amethyst stare at her, paralyzed with fear and bewilderment as the quartz soldier has turned into a corrupted gem. They didn't notice that she was about to lunge towards them. Peridot, was able to thrust the metal rod with her mind towards Jasper, only to graze past her shoulder. This spooked Jasper from the sudden attack, causing her to flee from the fight. Away from the Beta Kindergarten.

"JASPER WAIT!!" Steven yells out hoping it would grab her attention. But proved to be useless. Amethyst placed her hand on his shoulder and calmly proclaims, "There's nothing we can do. She's not herself anymore..." "Well, then what CAN we do?!" Peridot exclaims.

Steven looks at Amethyst with the same question in mind. She lets out an exhausted sigh, feeling a little tired from the intense fight between her and her 'perfect' sister. "We should let Pear and Garnet know. That way we can be more prepared." Steven and Peridot nod in agreement and head to the warp pad. When they returned to the barn, they see the crystal gems and lapis holding group of ruby soldiers hostage. Amethyst groans knowing it's going to be awhile before they report their news of what happened at the Beta Kindergarten. And Jasper.  

---Meanwhile at Empire City----

3rd POV

"That's all for today, be sure to read chapter 2 and take notes for next week. Have a nice weekend!" The sweet, joyous words that came out of your Teacher's voice filled the room with happiness as students scurry out of the classroom as fast as they could. Man, two weeks of second semester and the teachers have already given you a lot of work to do. You walk down hall and pull out your phone to look at the time which reads 2:30.

Cool, I got a half hour before the club starts. An anime club to be exact. You go to every Monday and Friday from 3:00 to 6:00. There's not a lot of people (roughly 15) but they're cool and unique in their own way that you can respect. You walked to the school's library and went to the fiction section and looked for a new book to read. You checked out a book named Traitor by Gudrun Pausewang. The description about the story seems rather interesting. You're not into historical fiction but this seem to make an exception.

After you checked out your book, you look at your phone again to see that it's 2:55. You walk through the halls to the club room pondering what shows you'll be watching this time.


Prologue is done.

This is my first fanfiction EVER ! So after I make the first chapter let me know if you want me to make more.

COVER: rainbowgeddon on Deviantart


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