Chapter 12

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I stand by the shoreline, watching the sun slowly set behind the ocean. I take out my phone from my pocket and press the power button to check the time. The screen doesn't light up. I press it again. Still blank. I try again and again. Still nothing. Ok...this is bad. I haven't been on my phone for about half the day, it's not dead, is it? Numerous possibilities begin to swarm in my head. Did I leave the phone on while it was in my pocket? Was I constantly getting notifications to the point it was draining my battery? Did I damage it during the fight? DO I SEE A CRACK?! That phone was my only lifeline and now it has died on me. I let out a stressed groan.

Steven hears me and checks on me. "Is everything alright?" I turn my direction to him, weakly showing him my phone, "My cell phone might be dead and damaged." This is bad. My mom usually calls me during the weekends to check on me, she'll start worrying if I don't answer right away. "You don't happen to have a charger for this phone do you?" Every fiber of my being was hoping that he did. "Yeah, I do actually. Has your phone died?" "Yeah..." "Well, we can discuss at our place since it's getting dark." I nod in agreement and follow him to his house. 

When we got inside, I hand him my phone as he heads upstairs to connect it to the charger. I take a seat on the sofa and wait for him to come downstairs. Garnet sits down at the end of the couch near the stairs, her legs crossed as her arms spread out resting on the furniture's back frame. Pearl heads to the kitchen fixing up something. I can hear some clank and shuffling noises but I can't see what she's doing. Amythest leaps onto the couch next to me. She gives me a big smile as she swings her legs back and forth like a hyperactive child. I couldn't help but smile back. I shift my direction and Pearl presents me a glass of water. I thank her than taking a few sips. Steven runs down and takes a seat next to Garnet, "Now that we are all here, you can ask any question you want to know!" he says gleefully. 

"I can't thank you guys enough to help me about this," I say in a soft tone as I stare at the glass of water. Amythest give my a hard nudge on my forearm, " Don't sweat it, dude! We're just here to help!" I give her a genuine smile. Garnet speaks up, "Now then (Y/N), what is it that you want to know?" I set the glass down on the coffee table and ask my first question, "Is it true that Jasper used to be a 'gem soldier'?" Garnet nods, " Yes, she was a soldier made for Pink Diamond, but after she was shattered Jasper started working for Yellow Diamond until now. When she started collecting other corrupted gems to make an army of her own, she started fusing with them to the point that the corruption began to spread onto her." We all look at Jasper who is outside by the door lying down beside Steven's pet lion. "Now she's what she is now." Garnet finishes. I know what they are saying is true, but a part of me doesn't want to believe it."But why? Why would she do such a thing? Steven told me she was strong enough by herself." Pearl jumps into the conversation, "Yes, it is true that she is strong.

But after she had her first experience with fusion, it was obvious that she wanted-no needed more of it. After she had that first taste of power when fusing with another gem, it seemed as if she had grown addicted to it. Individuals like Jasper are always looking for ways to get stronger. No matter how drastic the consequences are."

I look at Amethyst to see if she had anything to say but she sits quietly with a somber expression on her face. Does she have some kind of relationship with her before? "Anything else you need to know?" Pearl asks. There was one that "Were you able to... I don't know; heal a gem that has been corrupted?" Everyone is quiet. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet shift their direction to Steven looking slightly upset and fumbling with his fingers. "O-only once. Sort of." he said, "When my healing powers were working again, I tried it on one of the corrupted gems we have bubbled. It only seemed to have worked for a while. But afterward, she started to revert back to how she was before. So, my healing powers can only work for a while and I don't think I can do it again. I'm sorry." Knowing that he alone has some power to heal and summon a shield, I won't press harder on it. "It's alright. I don't want you to do it for my sake. I just want to learn more about Jasper, that's all."

Garnet sits straight from her seat and glances at me, "But ask me this; why would you care for a someone that is no longer who they are?" I know she wants me to explain my actions and need for caring for a corrupted gem soldier that treated them cruelly from before. I look at my cup, reminiscing my relationship with Jasper. The first time I met her on that rainy night. When she injured my arm. When I took her in and cleaned her. When I tried to feed her. Each passing moment, I was growing closer to her. I began to feel comfortable with her and felt at ease when I'm by her side. I look directly at Garnet and gave her my answer,"Simple, I care for her. Despite her treacherous nature, she is also caring and protective underneath. I trust her with my life. As she does with me."

Garnet smiles and gives a small nod. Amythest, Pearl, and Steven just gaze at me but smile as well. I hear my phone ring, playing Saria's Song upstairs. "O-oh um, excuse me," I go to Steven's room and grab my phone. Without looking at the caller's ID, I hit call and press the phone to my ear. "Hello-" "OH MY GOODNESS YOU'RE ALIVE! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! WHY HAVEN'T YOU ANSWERED MY CALLS?! I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK! WHY ARE YOU AT BEACH CITY?! HELLO?! ARE YOU THERE?!" I quickly took the phone away from my face, my ear ringing from my Mom's sudden yelling that also gave me a mini heart attack. Oh no. It's Mom. 



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