Chapter 11

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Steven deflects an attack from Tanzanite with his shield. Jasper slashes her claws towards Carnelian's but misses it by an inch. Tourmaline and Titanite start to charge towards them, only to have Lion tackle them both at once. Everything is happening at once. Steven, Jasper, and Lion are fighting these...these beasts. While I sit here. Frozen. What do I do? What can I do? 

I try to shift away as cautiously as I could from the fight when my fingers feel something smooth and solid. I look up and see a Tourmaline glaring at me. An odd ooze seeps through its long teeth that resembles an Anglerfish. It lifts its forepaw revealing its three long claws. I tried to move but my muscles were stiff. I wanted to scream but I remained silent. As Steven tries to push away the Titanite with his shield, he glances to my direction and sees that I'm about to be eliminated. "(Y/N)!!!!)" Steven yells.  Is this the end for me? By the hand of a corrupted gem? Because my fight/flight reflexes suck.

move... I hear a small voice in my head. My arms twitch and I clench my fists tightly to the point that my fingernails are about to pierce the skin in my palms. Move... it repeats louder this time. My legs start to ache from the need to get out of the way. Move. The deranged beast swifts its long talons towards me, targeting my neck. MOVE!  Without thinking, I lean my body in the same direction as the claws were going as I knocked my knees inward to give me more flexibility. Luckily, several strands of my hair got chopped. I straighten my legs out and roll away to gain some distance. The Tourmaline makes a clicking noise that resembles a cicada but in a low tone. I look at this being and it almost resembles a skinny coyote with its snout, limbs, tail, as well as its spine in exaggeration length and height resulting in being at least 12ft wide and 10ft tall. Its skin is a light pastel pink, while dark green shards are sprouting from its forehead, along with its back and claws.  

It pounces towards me at break-neck speed. I know I won't be able to avoid this one, all I can do is shield myself with my arms as my only defense. I brace myself the impact when the sound of a cracked whip echoed. I look up and see the creature being wrapped by it. The creature begins to panic until it disperses into nothing and a gemstone drops onto the sand. "Yo dude! You alright?" A small woman picks the crystal up from the ground. Her skin is purple and has long lavender hair. She puts the Tourmaline in a bubble and teleported it somewhere. She lends her hand out to me which I happily took. "T-thank you so much, ma'am. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't save me just now." The purple woman snickered and gave a huge grin, "Dude, you don't have to be so formal, it makes me feel old. The names Amy-" "AMYTHEST! SOME HELP PLEASE!" Me and the woman that is called "Amythest," look at the person that was shouting. A lanky pale woman with short hair that is trying to hold back a Tanzanite by using a fancy spear to keep it at bay. A tall woman with huge gauntlets punches it so hard it flew back a least several yards. "COMIN'!" Amythest yells back. She turns to me, "Sorry got to go!" She gave a slight wave before jumping into the fight. As I watch everyone fight, it felt like watching action scene in a movie up close, it was almost entrancing.  

Once the last corrupted gem was bubbled, Jasper runs towards me and starts nuzzling under my chin. I couldn't help but giggle. "Oh Jasper, you did great job. Yes, you did~" I began to scratch her jawline which she enjoyed very much. Steven jogs to me with a worried look, "(F/n), are you ok?" "Yeah, luckily. Are you alright?" His shield starts to materialize, "I deal with these guys all the time, but I am glad "they" came in time." I arch my eyebrow in confusion, "They?" The woman with the spear runs to Steven, "Steven! Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" The skinny woman searches him, checking for any injuries. "Pearl, I'm fine. Really." Steven consoles. This woman that is known as "Pearl" looks up at me then to Jasper. She grabs Steven by the arm and guides him behind her, Amythest and the woman with the big hair come towards us. Jasper starts to growl and hunch her back. I shift glances between them feeling the tense atmosphere. "It's ok, she doesn't bite...much." I say, trying to prove that she's not a dangerous being like the others, "Yeah, I even got to pet her and she didn't growl or hurt me." Steven adds. I looked at the three women and realized that each of them have a gem placed on their body. Amythest has one on the middle of her chest, Pearl has one on her forehead, and the tall woman has one on each hand. So Steven was right. "You guys are the Crystal Gems correct?" I ask. Amythest gives a big smile, "You know it!" I sigh with relief, I finally get to meet them and I'll get the answers I need. "If you don't mind me asking, but I have a few questions I hope you could answer."



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