Chapter 6

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1st POV


We went to the pizzeria shop that Jenny's family work/live at. I had to keep Jasper outside that way they won't cause a racket inside, luckily they don't seem to mind or care. When we enter the shop, I examine the scenery. The inside is a lot smaller than I thought it would, there seems to be only four tables with three to four chairs each. The table cloths have bright colors and interesting patterns. Glass-stained lamps hang above each table dangling from the ceiling. The walls are cluttered with framed pictures in a variety of size that you can barley see the wall. All I can conclude in this restaurant is that it gives a rather homey feel. I was about to say something when I a chipper voice from behind the counter that almost sounds like Jenny's, "Welcome to Fish Stew Pizza what would you li-" she stops when she saw Jenny and her friends but continues talking, "Oh! Hey guys, you got back early." She looks past them and sees me, she gives me warm smile, "Hello, are you new here?" I step forward and introduce myself, " Yeah, I'm (f/n) nice to meet you."

"Kiki, you as well." "Hey, where is Gunga?" Jenny asks, " In the back." Kiki replies. I follow the gang to the kitchen and see a old woman that seems to be the size of a child. She seems to be sorting the pizza toppings. "Hey Gunga!" Jenny exclaims, the old lady gives a small but cheerful smile, " Hello granddaughter and her friends." She looks at me, "New meat?" she asks while giving a toothy grin. "Yup, this is (f/n) (l/n) and we were wondering if you have Dr. Maheswaran's phone number." Ms. Pizza takes her phone from her pocket, "I do but what do you need to call her for?" Jenny brings me closer to her and reveals my arm from the bandage. She quietly inspects it and dials on her phone. She tells the doctor of my condition along with some yes and no questions and hangs up, "Dr. Maheswaran will head over in a couple hours. She has a patient with her right now and an appointment after that but will head over as soon as possible." I thank her and the four of us head back outside.

We sat down on a near by bench and just gaze out at the beach, we watch Jasper play around the sand, causing grains of sand fly into the air and land in their hair. "Do you wanna start that tour?" Jenny asks, "U-uh sure." We walked around the town and began our tour.

They introduced Jasper and I to the shops they usually stop at; Funland Arcade, Beach City Walkfries, Fish Stew Pizza, Funland Amusement Park, and The Big Donut. During the tour, I was lucky enough to meet some of the locals; I meet small boy that was teasing Jasper by messing with their spikes and almost snatched my keys. He doesn't say a lot but I later learn that his name is Onion and seems to be Sour Cream's younger half brother, which I later snicker at because of how similar their names are. We later come across a rather.....eccentric guy with odd hair name Ronaldo that was secretly following us only because he curious about Jasper and wanted to study it. After ten minutes of hearing him talk about some theories of rock species and crystal authorities; we were able to break away from him. I was also able to meet a nice and happy man known as Mr. Smiley who runs the amusement park and the arcade. He said I was welcome to either place as long as my 'pet' was kept on a leash and doesn't scare away his customers or effect his business. Lastly I get to meet Sadie and Lars that work together at the donut shop. Sadie seems to be a rather cheerful and funny girl and is a hard worker while Lars on the other hand, well...I guess he is rather passionate on how others views him and tends to forcefully fit in. It was interesting to watch him freeze up and instantly tries to act cool in front of Jenny, Buck, and Sour Cream. Sadie seems to understand and we exchanged looks of agreement only confusing the others. 

The five of us head towards the beach and relax along the shore. I take off my shoes and let the water glide through them; I shiver instantly. "W-w-wow, it's a lot colder t-than I thought." "First time near the ocean?" Buck asks, I nod and put my shoes back on. "To be honest, this was not what I was expecting to happen today." Sour Cream says as he stares at the clouds slowly gliding across the sky, I ask puzzled by his comment, "What do you mean?" "I dunno, I guess somehow befriending a random person from a different city and has 'that' as their main reason for getting here." all three of us look at Jasper laying down by our feet. I seem to be more confuse by what Sour Cream is trying to say, " Why do you think that? What's wrong with Jasper?" Sour Cream looks at them, watching them calmly rest on the sand. I look at Sour Cream's eye and see the color in his eyes go a little dark for a second. "Sour Cream?" He lets out a sigh, " About a week ago, he encountered one those things that look like Jasper." Buck explains. " There were two of them." Sour Cream added in a low tone. "Steven and his friends were able to take them down but..." Jenny wanted to continue but couldn't find the words to. I began to worry, "What? They didn't try to hurt you before did they?" "No! It's nothing like that. It's just that...We just haven't met a 'tamed' one before."

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