Chapter 2

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3rd Person's POV

You flick the light switch that shows the kitchen and living room of your apartment. You take off your shoes and set them aside by the door. You walk past the kitchen and hang your coat on the chair that's placed to the wall of your living room. You spectate the sleeve that now has four deep gashes that also reminded you that your arm is still injured and bleeding. Kinda badly actually. Drops of blood are shown on the kitchen floor as well as a bloody handprint on the door knob. And now that the adrenaline has calmed down, you could feel pain set in. You wince a bit knowing that it will leave a scar. I guess I better deal with this first before it gets infected. 

"Your bath will have to wait big fella'." You lightly pat on their shoulder and head to the bathroom and turn on the water on at the bathtub to clean the wound. It hurt a lot but your glad that it was over and done with. After drying it off, you grab the first aid kit (a going-away gift from your parents) from under the bathroom sink. After disinfecting it and wrapping it up, you prepare the tub for your dirty guest. As you wait for the water to fill, ahead of you is the soaked beast blocking the door, staring at think.

You get up and guide them to the tub and let them slowly put all four of their feet in the water. You hope it wasn't too hot for them but they seem to be fine with it. They lay down, almost having the water overflow. You giggle a bit how they remind you of a dog. You use one of your clean travel mugs and scoop up the water and pour it on their body. You also realize how bad their hair is, it's a little matted but something you can fix. They seem to resemble human hair in a way. You grab your shampoo, conditioner, and a brush/comb and got started.

After an hour of using almost all of your shampoo to wash it, you rinse their hair out and grab your conditioner. Now you know this was going to be a challenge. You used more of that than you did with the shampoo and it took another hour to split the knots. Your shoulders were starting to ache. You take a ten minute break to relax your muscles. Your wet friend seems to be fine. Actually, they seem to have really mellowed out. You let out a heavy sigh and got back to work.

The final process: the grooming. You are have been brushing/combing their hair for almost two hours. You have never felt so physically exhausted in all your life before this. Once you finished grooming their hair, you rinse them one last time before you grab the gigantic hairball that you were collecting and threw it in the trash. After you finished drying them up, you toss the towel to the floor and threw your fists in the air while weakly exclaiming, "Beat..(pant)...that..."

You are glad the hairy nightmare is over and look at your achievement; its hair is now more clean looking that it gives a sleek shine. The huge creature looks more clean and smells a lot better than it did before which made you happy since to your own agreement; wet dog smell isn't your favorite thing to smell. You mentally pat yourself on the back for your hard work since that now your shoulders are aching a bit. It seems the clean beast is also happy feeling clean for once which makes you more happy.

"Do you feel better now?" Your only response from the creature was a soft grunt while they were...sniffing themselves? "Good. Now get out." The quickly raises their head to your direction alarmed. You roll your eyes, "I mean the bathroom drama queen. It's my turn to get clean." You gently push them out and close the door. You hear them lightly scratch at the door which made your heart melt for a bit for how similar they remind you of a big dog that acts like a puppy.

"Cut that out! I'll be done in a minute!" The scratching noise stopped. a puppy. You get in and enjoy your shower. Aside from the warm water seeping into your wound that causes some pain, it really warm you up, and made you feel more relaxed.

You hop out and grab a clean towel to wrap yourself with. As soon as you open the door, your huge friend lie right in front of the door giving you limited room to pass. "Can you move please?" You say in a dry tone while slightly nudging your foot on their side to help indicate that they were blocking your path. Unfortunately, they just stares at you blankly. Are you serious?  You try again, this time basically pushing. They lift their front paw for a moment, but still did nothing. Oh my god! This creature was really trying your patience.

"Move! You are in the way!" You decide that if they weren't going to move, you're gonna have to find a way through yourself. You see a tight opening to your left that leads to your room. Apparently, the beasts' head is your only obstacle. If they don't move around too much, you won't lose your balance or have your towel snag on their spikes.

You lean up against the wall and steadily stretch your leg over their head. Don't move. Don't move. Don't move. Don't move... Your toes touch the floor. Success! Now to get the rest of yourself over. You lift your other leg up and hover over to the other side. Just as you were about to land your other foot, you feel a resistance tugging at your towel. You look behind you and see that your towel is snagged on one of the spikes on their head. Go figure. You reach to your towel to free yourself. Suddenly, their head jerks around causing you to lose your balance and fall over.

As your reflexes kick in, you subconsciously bring out your injured arm to break your fall. "ARGH! Son of a-" You sharply inhale the pain and got up to your feet. You suddenly feel a slight draft all over your body only to realize that your towel is still snagged on the the spikes. You blush and quickly grab it to rewrap yourself. You can still feel the blood heating up in your cheeks and the loud beating of your heart in your chest.

"Are you going to be this troublesome?" Their only response was yawning loudly and move from its spot heading to your room.

You got be kidding me....  



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