Chapter 3

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3rd Person's POV

You quickly get up and dash ahead of the huge beast. No. No. No. I am not doing this again. You were able to beat them to it before they entered your room. The huge creature stops in their tracks and looks at you puzzled. You stretch out your free hand and place it on their chest. "How about you venture out in the living room first." You say in a distress tone while straining a smile. They tilt their head not knowing what you mean.

"Here, it's this way." You gently push them back and pointed to your left that shows the living room that only has a couch from back home, a used wooden coffee table and a 32" T.V. across the other side with a stand underneath it. They begin wondering around, analyzing their surroundings. "*sigh* finally..." you say softly. You quietly back away and go in your room and close the door behind you.

"Now I can finally get dressed." You let your towel drop to the floor and grab some clothes. You put on some (favorite color) pajama pants with (favorite patterns) and an oversize (second favorite color) T-shirt you got as a gift from a friend. You grab your towel to place it back in the bathroom. You look to check on your four- legged friend. They seem to be fascinated by the blinds to the patio deck. You're a little worried that someone might see but you brush it off. Like you said; most of the students are gone for the weekend so everything should be fine. For now.

You watch as the curious beast then heads towards your backpack that is by your coat. They slightly nudge the bag with the side of their face then grabs the straps by their teeth. Not wanting another thing to break, you hastily walk straight to your bag and grab it. "I would like this back please." You say in a shaky tone hoping they would understand. They slightly opens their mouth freeing the strap from their gaping jaw. You exhale heavily, "Thank goodness..." You place your bag on the couch and look at the clock on your phone. It's 9:15.

"Crap! You must be hungry." You don't know what they eat or what they "can" eat so you decided to make breakfast dinner since that seems to be what you're craving. You grab four eggs, shredded cheese, and turkey bacon. You make the eggs first by scrambling them together after putting some salt and pepper in it. After that, you put a good handful of cheese on top. You turn the stove on and wait. When the eggs were finished, you split it in half and take out two dinner plates from the cupboard and placed each half on its own plate. For the bacon, you did six strips. You make sure they weren't too crunchy so your guest won't choke. Once everything was finished you take the two plates to the coffee table and begin eating.

Half-way through your meal, you see that your big friend is only sitting in front of their meal, not touching it. They look more confuse than interested. Do they not like it?  You get a little concern, hoping they would at least try it so they won't starve. They seem to be no longer interested in the food, they get up and wonder around the living room again. Maybe they need a little help.  You hope so because you don't like food being wasted. You pick a piece of egg and hand it front of their mouth. They turn their head away from it. This irked you since you put a lot of hard work into this meal and they won't even try eating it. You try the bacon, same reaction. Really?!  You try again and again but nothing changed. Are. You. Frickin'. Serious?!  This was really started to irritate you.

"Come on, you gotta eat." You continue this battle for a few minutes till you put the food back in defeat. "Fine. If you want to starve then don't blame me." You finish your now cold dinner and wrapped up the other plate for tomorrow in case they get hungry in the morning.  After cleaning the dishes, you reach into your backpack and pull out the book you just checked out and read the introduction. Apparently, it's about a young girl living in Berlin,Germany during WWII that comes across a wounded Russian prisoner and secretly nurses him back to health.

You felt something bump your shoulder, your huge friend towers over you and seems to be mesmerized by the book you have. Can they read?  You instantly shake away that thought. Nah, probably likes the picture of the cover. But then again, they are a strange being. Maybe they had some form of intelligence that humans don't have. Suddenly, another thought came to your head. This may be a risky decision, but who knows. It might work. You decide that you're going to keep them. "Well, if you're gonna stay here, I might as well give you a name. That way I can call by something." They tilt their head puzzled.

"Only question is; what should I call you?" You think for a bit. "How about Tiger?" They gave a low growl in response. You lightly chuckle, "Ok, hmmm. Lion?" They made the same noise and harshly thrash their head in disagreement. "Melee? Chimera? Orange Soda?!" They seem to growl more loudly by all of them. You think of more names but none of them seem to work. You look at the shiny stone which gave you an idea. You decide to name them after the gem on their face. But since you are no gem expert, you go to only place you know that will help. The internet.

You went to several sites and came across some names that seems to work. It seems that the splotches on their body are almost similar to Ocean Jaspers and the gem on their face seems to be a Natural Red/Orange Jasper. So you came to a conclusion.

"How does "Jasper" work for you?" They give a roar that is similar to a lion. Alright Jasper it is then.


IMAGE: iMusicalMinji (Minji Fox) on Deviantart

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