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I walk back to my apartment after my last class for the day. Since there's no club today and not a lot of people have been showing up because of finals. It's been a year since I've been to Beach City. But since this is my last year here and I graduate in May, I decided to go there as a graduation present to myself so I can see everyone again. I still keep in touch with Steven and the gang, but for the past several months Steven has stopped responding to my messages. I guess he's been really busy. I still miss Jasper. Even though a part of me didn't want her bubbled, I knew it was the best solution for her well being. I still wish I could see her.

I drop my backpack on the floor as I throw myself onto the couch, "Aaaaagh! How is it so hot when it's not even summer?!" I feel my phone go off in my pocket. I look to see it's a text from Steven.

"Hey (Y/n)! Long-time no see!"

"Hey! What up! Where have u been?"

" I was in Homeworld! It was really cool and I got to meet my mom's family!"

"Cool! Did u just get back?"

"I've been home for a few weeks and just had to do readjust from being far away from Earth"

"aaah! Makes sense. I was thinking about coming over to visit in June to see everyone."

"Actually about that.."


I jolted a bit from the sudden noise but head to the door to see the boy himself, Steven.

"Surprise!" he yells as he wraps his arms around my legs.

I let out a chuckle and return the hug, "It's great to see you again Steven! What are you doing in here?" I ask as I look around only to see Lion resting on the grass.

Steven backs up, grinning wider. " Because I have a surprise for you!"

" A surprise? For me? My goodness, Steven, I don't know what to say." I say in a sarcastic tone while making a dramatic pose. We share a nice laugh.

"But yeah I have something I think you will really like..."

I arch an eyebrow in curiosity now. " Oh, will I now?"

" Yup so close your eyes while I get it." I do as he says and closes them.

" No peeking!"

" Ok ok..." I hear him make a 'psst' sound following by a set of footsteps coming up the stairs and to the walkway. They sound heavy and slow. Now I'm really curious about this. All I hear is him shushing and giggling.

"Ok open them...now!"

I do as he says only to see Steven and next to him is another person but looks a little different. She's huge, like buff huge. She has different shades orange and teal, and long white hair. She also has a gem in the middle of her face. She kind of reminds me of Jasper.

"TA-DAAAA!" Steven says while doing jazz hands at this woman's direction.

"Hey. Apparently, we've met before." She says in a gruff voice. Did we meet? When was it?

"O-oh hello. I don't think we have but it's still nice to see you. My name is (y/n)." I hold out my hand. She looks at it, then at me with a slight scowl but takes it.


Jasper huh. Guess he knows more than one. I look at Steven who is looking at us in like we have insulted him. Is he trying to get me to be friends with one of the gems that share Jasper's name? I'll try I guess.

A Human's Best Friend (Reader X Corrupted!Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now