Chapter 5

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1st POV

They're so fast. Too fast. I couldn't finish screaming since the intense air pressure keeps hitting my face that it's almost suffocating. I duck my head low enough that Jasper's head is able to block it. I catch my breath as I hold on tightly onto their spikes as support scared that I could fall off if I'm not careful. What has gotten into them? Where are they taking me? I cautiously look behind me and watch Empire City gradually get smaller and smaller from sight till I can no longer see it. I look ahead and see a three-lane highway of cars that are driving the opposite way we are going. People that were driving or passengers almost got in an accident as they stare in awe when they saw a strange being with a young adult riding on their back along the side of the road.

I kept my head low for what seems like hours. I think I dozed off when I had gotten used to the rhythm of them running that it was starting to feel comforting. I woke up on the ground that seems to be really soft and grainy. Sand? I look beside me and see Jasper with the same expression back at Empire City; that driven look to go where they need to go only now it has increased. I get to my feet and look at my surroundings.

The sky is so bright and the air is so warm it feels like it's summer. I hear a loud sound and turn to my right and see the ocean crashing along the shore line; we are so close I could taste the salty air. To my left, I could hear people talking in distant chatter walking along the boardwalk. I think there's also a ferries wheel. Ahead of me is a gigantic statue that seems to represent a goddess of some sort. With a lighthouse above the cliff and underneath is a modern looking house.       

I take off my coat since the temperature seems to be much warmer than back at home, I lightly pat Jasper and whispered in awe, " Where the hell did you take us?" I don't know where we are or how long they carried me here, but I decided it's best to go up to the house and ask where we are. I ran up the stairs and knock on the screen door. "Hello?" I look through and see that it appears to be empty inside, they probably somewhere in the back. I yell again, "I'm sorry to bother you but my friend and I are lost and we want to know where we are." Still quiet. I turn to Jasper, "I guess they're not home." They just tilt their head in response. "Well, I guess we could ask the locals and have a little tour around the place. What do you think?" Jasper grunts with my question, I'll take it as a yes. " Alright let's go!"

As we got out of the beach and head to the streets, I was able to see more of the town. The first buildings I see is an arcade, a fry and pizza restaurant, and a donut shop. I look ahead and see three people about my age. In front of the group is an African-American woman with dark-brown curly hair wearing casual but fashionable clothes. To her left is a guy who seems to be well tanned with a stylish hairstyle and wearing rather expensive clothes along with some cool shades. And the other person on the right is also a guy who is tall and lanky with baggy clothes. His hair seems rather messy but it suits him. 

I jog towards them and shout, "Hey! Excuse me!" They stop what they were doing and turn their heads to my direction. The young lady waves at me, "Hey! You new here?" "Yeah, can you tell me where I am please?" All three of them had their eyebrow raised as if I had asked them the strangest question. "Did you miss the sign? This is Beach City." My eyes widened, " BEACH CITY?!" Beach City is at least few hours away from Empire City. Why did Jasper take me all the way here?

"Whoa... chill. No need to spaz out." says the guy with the shades. "Are you lost or something?" the tall guy asked. I respond in my calmest voice possible, "Yeah, I was walking around in Empire City then I was carried off here." I guess hearing that I was from Empire City was enough to have them surprised. The girl happily proclaims," Well I guess you're gonna be here for a while, we might as well introduce ourselves; my name is Jenny Pizza. The guy with the cool shades is Buck Dewey and this tall guy here is Sour Cream." " My name is (f/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you." I shake each of their hands. " Um, I guess since that I'm here, do you guys mind giving me a tour?" Jenny gave a big smile, "Yeah, sure." I feel myself smiling as big as hers, "Thank you so much! Oh! Hold on, let me get Jasper." "Who's Jasper?" asked Buck, "They're kind of my pet but I prefer companion in my opinion." I hear Jenny gasp loudly as I call them over, "Oh my goodness! What breed is it?" "To be honest, I'm not sure...I don't know any animals with orange skin, white hair, and blue spikes." "WAIT! BLUE SPIKES?!" They all say in unison. 

I see my shaggy friend trot towards me, I softly pat their hair, "Guys, this is Jasper. Jasper, say hi to our new friends; Jenny, Sour Cream, and Buck." Jasper gives a grunt in a way of saying salutations to them. I look back at them and they all seem tense. Sour Cream looks like he could faint at any minute. "Is everything alright?" I asked confused. Jenny cautiously steps forward and answers in a shaky tone, "U-um... Yo-ou see. W-well...we've se-en  t-t-those "things" before." My eyes widen, "Really? Where?" Jenny swallows a hard and continues, "T-that, I'm not sure..." she clears her throat, suddenly finding the courage to speak clearly, "B-but there had been similar creatures like them at the beach but lately there haven't been a lot of them lately." I look at Sour Cream again, he's shaking like a leaf. I ask in a worried tone, "Sour Cream, are you alright?" he doesn't answer, I look up at Jasper who seems rather relax, "It's ok, they're harmless. Here, I'll show you." I take his shaken hand and slowly approach it to Jasper's face who still remains calm.

When they made contact, Sour Cream closes his eyes and freezes up, afraid of what would happen next but after a while, he slowly opens them and sees that Jasper is just as curious as him, he feels as if they are analyzing him, but he can sense that they aren't hostile. He moves his hand around their hair, I feel the muscles in his hand relax and the fear in his eyes were instead, memorized. Jenny and Buck were surprised at first but followed his lead and they longer saw them as a monster but as a big animal that was fun to pet. "You know, they kind of remind me of a huge shaggy dog." Buck said with a small smile on his face. I look at Jasper, smiling as well as I run my hand over their huge mane, "Yeah, they kind of are." "Hey, what happened to your arm?" Sour Cream asked as he pointed at my bandaged arm, I nearly forgot it was there. I blushed as I explained, " The day I met them, they scratched me when I tried to pet them." "...And how long ago was that?" Jenny asked, hesitant on what my answer is. "...Last night...." I said preparing for their reaction. All three of them gasped and stare at me in shock, I panic a little I quickly added, "B-but, it's all good; I fixed it up, I gave them a bath and a place to stay. We're good." 

Jenny steps towards me and gently grabs my arm to look at my handiwork, "Hmmmm....Not bad. It looks a little worn though, how long ago did you have this on?" I thought for a while, "I think since last night..." "It's probably best if you get that changed." Buck suggested. "Doesn't Steven have a friend who's mom is a doctor?" Sour Cream added, I look at him puzzled. Who's Steven and who is this friend that has a doctor for a mom?  "Yeah but he's still at that barn and who knows how long it will be until he comes back." "Sorry but, who's Steven and this 'friend'?" I asked confused who they are, "He's the kid that lives in that beach house over there." Sour Cream points over to the house I was just at. Jenny chimes in, "He lives with a few women that are like his parents/Guardians. They call themselves the Crystal Gems and they deal with stuff like...Jasper." Her tone sounded slightly solemn but I quickly brush it off, "Really? Where are they now?" I ask eagerly, "Steven left with one of them to his family barn for something, then later today, the other two left off somewhere." Sour Cream explained.

"Oh, and that friend of his is called Connie who is like, wicked smart. Her mom is a doctor and would come to the pizzeria to check on Gunga's knees sometimes." Jenny adds, "We can head over there and give her a call." I quickly jump in, "Oh no no no, you don't need to do that. I can fix it up when I head back." Jenny gives me a look that she doesn't believe me, "Aaand when will your 'friend' decide to go back?" We look back at Jasper who is trying to catch a bird that seems to be flying around it. I sigh in defeat knowing it would probably be hours until we can head back home since they don't seem to listen to me sometimes. "Fine. But we're still doing that tour right?" Jenny giggles, "Of course! Well, let's go guys." 



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