Chapter 4

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3rd POV

Your first night with your new roommate name Jasper was a rather tiring night. Apparently, they didn't want to sleep. Instead, they kept bother you every time you were close to dozing off only to be rudely woken up. After fifteen minutes of this, you kicked them out of your room so you could have some peace and quiet. It took almost twenty minutes until they stopped whimpering and scratching the door all together.

You wake up at 8:37 a.m., feeling well rested. You got out of bed and pick up a pair of jeans, your undergarments, a (black/white) tank top, and a (favorite color) plaid shirt in your dresser. As you were going through your drawers, your orange friend at the other side of the door seemed to have heard you and is making a lot of noise. After you got dressed and fixed your hair, you open the door to have the excited beast tackle you. Having you land on your butt as your face gets squished against theirs. You sit there as you analyze their behavior as they glide their face (probably sniffing) along your body from your neck as if detecting any signs of injury. Did they think I was dead?  You get back on your feet and cuff your hands to Jasper's cheeks to keep their attention in your direction. They don't seem to be bothered by me staring at them which is good. 

You then calmly stated, " Jasper, I wasn't in any harm. I was just sleeping. You kept waking me up. That's why I had to kick you out. So when you see me laying down in my bed at night, you let me sleep, understand?" They give a heavy huff to your face with their breath that smells like dirt, just what you need to smell. You head to the kitchen to grab last night's dinner from the fridge and heat it up for breakfast. You try again with Jasper to see if they'll eat the food but it seems that they are still not interested.

Maybe they're used to eating other animals. You hope that's not the case because you are not going to snatch random animals to feed Jasper. You will hate yourself if that were the case. Since they're huge, they would like to be outside more than in a cramped apartment all day. It could work if you let Jasper out most of the day while you were at school, and then spend the remaining hours together indoors. You later realized that they haven't used the bathroom since you brought them inside. That was probably the reason why they kept bothering you last night.

You open your front door and look around outside to check if any of your neighbors are out and about. Luckily, there's no one in sight which puts you at ease. You call for Jasper. You can hear them trotting towards your direction. You grab your keys and put on your coat and shoes. After it rained, everything froze over. Not all winter mornings are going to be pleasant. As you walk out Jasper follows your lead. You exhale heavily and watch your breath dance away from sight.  You're not a fan of the cold, especially in the morning, but you like gazing at the beautiful winter scenery. 

"Come on, let's go for a walk." You say to Jasper as you sway your head to the direction that leads farther away from the campus. They seem to be happy to be outside since they been cooped up all night, so some open space should be good for them. As soon as you moved away from the door, they brush past you and leap down the stairs and runs past the parking lot, dashing through the open field of tall, dead grass ahead of the complex.

They stop from where they are and began rolling around the frozen grass with their back. You just watch from the parking lot enjoying the scenery. The sun rises above the horizon, brightly shining through the grey clouds. The air is cold and crisp and you can feel it on your nose and cheeks, but at the same time, you can feel the warmth of the ball of light keeping you from freezing. As you watch Jasper playing around, they appear more and more like a dog. Though as you watch them, they didn't seem to go to the bathroom at all, they should have. Even though they didn't eat anything last night they should still feel the need to relieve themselves. Maybe they will later.

It's been ten minutes and they still didn't go. All they've doing is run their face through the tall grass and making huge marched paths. Your legs are beginning to shake and you can feel your nose running. You look at your sleeve and remember that there are still gashes from last night's incident and the draft traveling up your arm is not making you feel any better. You walk back up the stairs to your door to grab your sewing kit to patch it up. But before you could grab the keys, you hear rumbling. You turn around to see Jasper running towards you at an alarming speed, as soon as they reach the lot, they leap to your direction. You close your eyes preparing for the painful collision. There was a slight pause and you slowly open your eyes to see your energetic pal fidgeting in place.

I guess they're all done. You pull out your keys only to have your arm forcefully pushed away from your coat pocket by Jasper's chin. Or...not. You put your hand in a surrendering gesture.  "Alright, what is it?" You watch them pace from the flight of stair back to you, as if signaling you to follow them. You decide to fulfill their wish and go to where they want to go. You silently follow them for what seems like forever from walking along bike trails to passing by small stores. You have been walking for so long  that when you look up from your companion, you see a sign that that reads, You Are Now Leaving Empire City. 

You stop in your tracks realizing how tired you are that your knees are shaking and how sore the sole of your feet have gotten. Jasper walks a few more steps before stopping as well to turn their head to you. It seems that they want you to continue walking with them. But you're at your limit.

"No Jasper. No more walking. Let's head back." You turn around and head back when all of a sudden, you feel yourself being lifted off the ground, descending past your head to the sky. You feel yourself being tossed to the air like a coin. You brace yourself to come into contact with the ground but instead, you feel your body land on something that appears to be Jasper's back. Luckily, none of the spikes pierced you. You adjust yourself to see that you now sitting on top of them like a child at a pony show. It is just as uncomfortable as you remember.

"Come on Jasper, playtime is over. Let's head home now." You whined as you try to get off of them only to be shaken back in place to where you were. You try other different ways to get back on the ground but your stubborn companion seems to find a way to get you back on them. 

"Jasper, enough!" You demanded angrily, but they don't seem to be letting up. You place your thumb and forefinger on your temples feeling more agitated. You look at Jasper who seems to be focused on something far away. You feel their lower back slightly rise as their hind legs begin to reel back as their head lowers a bit as they shimmy their shoulders like a cat ready to pounce. You feel slightly worried by what you think they might happen next if you don't get off soon.

"Jaspeeerrrr..." They don't respond to you. Their body get's lower to the ground.

"Dooonnn-aaAAAAAAGGGHHH!!!!" Before you could finish your sentence, your friend carries you off into the distance at an alarming speed to who knows where.


A/N: Sorry it took so long. I've been busy with school and life. There won't be a pattern to these publishing dates (i.e. every Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m.) they are gonna be random but I promise I will continue working on this story from beginning to end.


A Human's Best Friend (Reader X Corrupted!Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now