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"I thought we weren't going to come back here." Dr. Brindle smiled fake as she looked at me from behind her thick-framed glasses, "my husband seemed to have made no progress with you, aside from the fact that you left here in good condition." I curl up more against the arm of the chair, I didn't have anything to say to her. She didn't know me aside from what was written in my files, "Look, casualties aside, I'm here for you." I knew she didn't want anything to do with me. No one here did, in fear of turning up dead.

"Save it for when my dad gets here." I mutter, staring out at the pouring rain, "I'm just fine. I went to school, I came back home. I got a boyfriend, saved his life." I look at her with dead eyes, "I didn't do anything wrong."

"That's not what your father said." Dr. Brindle cleared her throat, "he's actually saying that you killed his girlfriend." I stayed quiet. I wouldn't be able to answer her in the first place, it was all black up until the point where Arat came in.

"I can't say that I did." I shrugged off the idea that my father implanted in everyone's brains. I knew he would pin just about anything bad that happened in town on me, even if I was halfway across the world. I was still the first and only suspect to him. Some dad he was.

"Emmett, you have a history of hurting people when you're angry." She leaned forward, crossing her leg over the other, "you can't lie to me." she stared at me. Like leaning forward more to look me in the eyes would produce the answer she was looking for.

"It wouldn't make you feel better, because your husband is still dead." I look her straight in her blue eyes, "I know what you're doing here, Dr. Brindle. You wanted to be assigned to me, so you could mentally batter me in hopes that you could figure out why I did it." I laughed wry, "tough shit for you because I didn't fucking do it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said plainly, "I'm here because I worked with you before, and everyone else is afraid of you."

"I'm one girl. I weigh approximately a hundred and thirty pounds. There are about a million things a full grown man can do to detain me." I say just as plain to her. She thought she would be able to outsmart me, "and more because I'd like it too much."

"Focus, Emmett." Dr. Brindle said firmly, "you're forgetting your violent past again. The car accident. The fights. The fact that you stabbed your father because he was getting to close to your problems?"

"Minor setbacks." I tell her, "all is in the past."

"Not for your father. Especially now, that his girlfriend is missing."

"Aha! That's it then, isn't it?" I sit at the edge of my seat, "she's missing. And he doesn't know where I've been the last few days, so the first thing that comes to mind is that I killed her." I laughed, "you can't hold me here. I've done nothing wrong. I've been with Negan the last few months."

"She went missing two nights ago." She tells me like it was still my fault.

"Yeah, two nights ago, Negan got stabbed and we were in the hospital. Together. I would know, I was the one who operated on him." I chide. I wasn't going to sit here and let her force this down my throat. I wasn't going to sit nice and calmly for much longer.

"Why did he get stabbed?" She asked me, writing down notes on my file. I looked at her, placing a confused look on my face. If I played dumb, maybe she would get tired of me and let me go back to the rec room.

"What does it have to do with my father's girlfriend?" I asked innocently, "look, I know what you're doing here, and I'm not answering any more questions from you." I pick at the identification band around my wrist, sighing heavily, "so you can just leave me alone."

"Not likely. I have a full hour with you." Dr. Brindle smiled sickly sweet at me, "and you don't get to go home unless I approve it." she said a bit too smug for my liking. I rolled my eyes at her, resting my head against the backrest of the sofa.

"Do I have a visitor?" I asked Janet, the front desk lady. She just looked at me, annoyed to see me again. My smile faded as she silently slid a note to me;

Emmett Thompson is not stable enough for visitors. Please do not allow anyone to see her during visiting hours.

-Layla Brindle

I clenched my jaw, crumpling the paper in my fist, "so there it is, Thompson. Get back in the rec room or I'll call Jerry to do it for me." Janet said, not looking up from her book as she snapped her gum in her mouth.

"Is she serious? I saw him walking up. Did she really tell you to send him away?" I grabbed her book from her, "Janet. We know what happened last time I was here." I grab one of the pages and threatened to rip them out. She gulped.

"Send who away? I didn't see anyone from your family here to see you." She said quickly, "please, Emmett, don't rip the pages it's the first edition!"

"He's about six feet, wears grey pants, biker boots, leather jacket, slicked-back hair, beautiful brown eyes?" I narrow my eyes. I know she saw him, he walked right up to her.

"You mean that guy?" Janet pointed, snatching the book back from me as I looked away. Negan walked out of the elevator with Layla in tow. His laugh boomed through the lobby, "he comes here every Friday to be with Layla." My mouth opened to say something, but the words wouldn't form. I watched him smile down at her like she was the best thing in the world.

"I'm glad you're okay. I was so worried when you were in the hospital. I'm sorry I couldn't come and see you." I hear Layla say. I step back, hiding a little bit behind the front desk to listen. My bare feet freezing against the cold tiles.

"It's okay, really. I get to see you now, that I'm alive again." He chuckled, leaning down to do something I never thought I'd have to see in person from him. I shouldn't have expected him to be any better than he was with Lucille. Layla was probably the mistress.

"Low blow," I say, making them look at me.

"Emmett?" Negan looked at me, "wait, it's not what it looks like." His features dropped in devastation. He walked forward, but I stepped back.

"I thought I said no visitors for her?" Layla went up to Janet, who just shrugged.

"You didn't say she couldn't come out." Janet didn't seem to care what Layla said. The older woman had grown tired of this doctor thinking she ruled the world. I could see it in her face that Layla could talk all she wanted and Janet wouldn't even look up from her book.

"No, it's okay Janet. I've had enough fun for the day." I smiled at her, turning on my heels to walk away.

"Emmett, please let me explain." Negan tried to walk after me, but Jerry stopped him after I was buzzed in through the security doors.

"Explain what? I've got eyes." I say, continuing to walk off. I couldn't let him see that I was blown away with pain. This wasn't the place for me to act out on my feelings. He was lucky that I was back on my medications and just wanted to sleep the rest of my life away. I wanted to cry.

"Emmett, come back." Negan begged from behind me, "please."

"Sir, please step back from the doors. You're not cleared to go back there." Jerry stopped him every time. I look back at Negan and Layla, shaking my head as I pushed open the doors to the recreation area.


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