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"Emmett, stop trying to control my life." Brenden drummed his fingers on the kitchen table as I paced behind him, "I'm grown up now. I graduated. I just want to live my life."

"Not like this, Brenden. You're way fucking better than drugs and sluts." I snap at him, he jolted at the sudden rise in levels of my voice, "you're not the only one I'm mad at."

"Don't be mad at Negan." My brother rolled his eyes like here we go again, "he's just doing what he does best is all." he reached for the bottle of Jack Daniel's in front of him but I snatched it before he could graze the cool glass.

"And that's what? Hustling drugs to kids and watching them fuck their lives up? No." I shook my head, pacing behind him vigorously as I open the bottle and take a long gulp, "he's not fucking getting away with this one."

"So what?" Brenden looked back at me as he turned in his chair, "what are you going to do? It's clear that you're not going to leave him. You went back." I stopped, slamming my fist through the drywall. Brenden jolted.

"What I do with my fucked up life, has nothing to do with yours." I bring my hand from between the walls, looking at the drywall that was stuck in my cuts, "my life, was already in the gutters since middle school. You didn't know at the time when you were eight."

"But I know now." Brenden watched me, "mom's going to be furious when she sees you made another hole in the wall."

"Mom is the least of my problems, Brenden. And you should be more worried about me kicking your ass till your bloody than what our mom is going to say to me." I bring my phone out of my pocket as it began to vibrate. Negan. I sighed, letting it go to voice-mail. Shortly after I had one;

"I hope you're going easy on the kid. I'm on my way to your mother's house to get you and the truck. So be ready."

I rolled my eyes, stuffing the device back into my pocket, "you're lucky I love you, Brenden." I take my keys from him, "I'm taking this." I shoved it in the same pocket as the drugs.

"What about my nose?" He asked me. I sighed, grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink. When I returned to him, I aline his nose and brace it. I didn't care if he nearly screamed under my fingertips.

"You'll be fine." I looked at Kelly as she stood behind my brother to comfort him, "go clean yourself up." I dismiss my brother, "not you." I stop Kelly.

"I don't have to listen to you." She put her hands on her hips like she had a choice in the matter.

"Um, babe. That's my sister. You're going to want to listen to her before she breaks your arm. or worse, your spine." Brenden pats her shoulder before leaving us. Kelly sighed, sitting back down at the table.

"Aren't you, Jason's little sister?" I asked her as I cleaned everything up.

"What's it to you? Jason is dead because of some girl." Kelly said harshly. I sighed, hearing a vehicle pull up in front of the house.

Little did Kelly know, I was that girl that killed her brother. Jason and I were close. He loved me, but I was too much of a terror when I was sixteen to care for anyone but me. With that being said, I wanted to hurt someone because my parents were hurting me. I don't know what I was thinking, but hurt someone I did. I hurt a whole family. Cost a little girl her big brother. Jason was seventeen at the time. And he was way too good to me. Just a wee lamb with its number being called for slaughter.

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