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"I have nothing to say to you." I tell Layla, "so you might as well leave. I don't want you as my doctor anymore. And trust me," I narrow my eyes at her, "if you think, having your sessions with me in the middle of a crowded room is going to save you, you're dead wrong." I smiled quickly before leaning back in my seat.

She was lucky I was once again, numbing out. That part of my brain that made violence happen was shutting off. For that, she is very lucky. The medication was doing their jobs for the benefit of the whole room.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Now why would I do that? I would never do such a thing, know why?" I asked her, she nodded in encouragement, "Because you'll just tell Janet that I can't have visitors and fuck my ex-boyfriend, you stupid bitch." Saying through my teeth, I clench my fist. My nails digging into the skin of my palm.

"In my defense, Emmett, he's been seeing me for over three years now. You're the other woman." Layla just blinked like this wasn't even a big deal to her, "so, you're the one who should be considered, lucky."

"I'm so very far from being afraid of you." I sneer, "do you even know what he's like outside these walls?" I look at her, she stayed quiet. I laughed, "Wow, you might be seeing him now in some holy shit stained light because he's good at sex, but trust my honeycomb. You've gotten yourself in some hot water. I can't wait till they come for you." I snicker, shaking my head.


"You know, the guys Negan bullied." Was all I said, "like I would tell you anything to save your life." Her lips part to say something, I waited for her to say it, but she stayed quiet. I smirked, "as I said, I don't want you as my doctor anymore. So if you like sleeping with Negan, you'll let someone else take over."

"Everyone, this is Emmett." Anna introduced me as the group sat around my chair. I shift uncomfortably when they looked at me with eager eyes. This was it. This was the end of my sanity for sure.

"Great. Group therapy. Just what I signed up for." I turned the page in my book, not looking up at them. I could feel them raking me with their curious stares. Like they've never seen anyone like me before.

"Well, Dr. Brindle placed you here. She thought it was best that I take you in and work with you." Anna sat across from me. She was one of those overly friendly group directors that used the sickening powers of positivity to help everyone around them. I would barf on the floor by the time she realized it was too late for me to be saved with positive reinforcement.

"You're here now?" A familiar voice asked, making me look up. I groaned softly at who it was, "hey sweet thing."

"Merle Dixon. Your drug addiction finally caught up to you?" I sneered.

"Please, don't fight." Anna silenced us, "now, Emmett, Merle is a recovering drug addict who's been here for six months already. We do not talk negatively about it." She gave me a look. I scoffed. Right. Because he wasn't just in Negan's warehouse hounding us for drugs two weeks ago.

"Right. Six months. And I'm a saint." I fold my arms under my breast to look away from him and his hungry eyes. I didn't want to be here anymore.

"Why don't you tell the group your addiction." Anna smiled at me. Her green eyes shone brightly against her pink cheeks and freckles. I sighed. I guess I could play nice with this group of drug addicts.

"What addiction? I'm here because I'm violent and my father is blaming me for his missing girlfriend." I tell everyone, "oh, and let's not forget the cheating boyfriend who's sleeping with my former doctor. So, excuse me if I break jaws and carve out eyes every once in a while to blow off steam."

Anna was stunned. She fumbled for words, "cheating boyfriend? Negan finally showing ya his true colors?" Merle snickered, "I could have told you that. Poor Lucille, she had to watch him sleep with all those girls before he felt bad about hurting her."

I gripped the edges of my book tighter. Lucille. I should have known better when I found out about what Negan did to her. Sleeping around and making her stay at home by herself. He didn't feel guilty until it was too late, of course. When she was on her deathbed and the cancer was too far into her body to operate. Is that what's going to happen to me? I'm just going to become some girl Negan used because I was convenient?

"Shoulda backed off sooner, chicka."

"Leave me alone, Merle. I don't need your mouth right now." I slam shut my book, getting up from my seat, "I've had enough social networking for the day. I'm going to my room." I announce to the world.

"You're checked in here?" Merle laughed, "you're really off your rockers, aren't you?" I take a deep breath, exhaling to calm my nerves before walking out. I walk towards the cafeteria, slowing down when I noticed Daryl sitting alone in the lobby.

"Daryl?" I walked up to him, smiling when he looked back at me from the magazine, "what are you doing? Shouldn't you be doing your own thing?" I laugh. He smiled shyly, standing t greet me when I got closer to him.

"Emmett, it's good to see you." He nervously shoved his hands in his pockets, "w-what are you doing here?" he stammered.

"My father checked me in." I show him the band around my wrist, "no shoes, underwire or jewelry for me while I'm in here." He looked down at my bare feet against the white linoleum.

"Negan seemed like he was in pretty rough shape when Merle and I went to see him yesterday." Daryl cleared his throat. His eyes wandering around the room, "he was all alone in that warehouse. Saying something about how he fucked up."

I just look at Daryl, sighing softly before looking down at my painted toenails, "he's been sleeping with my former doctor for over three years, and I caught them yesterday. So yeah, I'd say he's in pretty hot water."

"He's not selling anyone anything right now, and he's pretty upset." Daryl fell quiet as Merle joined us, "it was good to see you, Emmett. Catch you around." he closed out our conversation fairly quickly. Making me feel even more empty inside.

"Bye, Daryl." I hold my ground when Merle approached me.

"Stay away from my baby brother. He's too good for someone like you." Merle poked my chest, "you belong to Negan. I don't need any more shit from that man and I don't need my little brother's dead body on my porch because you got brave enough to fuck around."

"I'm not sleeping with him." I slap away his grubby fingers, "not yet."

"Like I said, back up. You belong to Negan and that's that." He gave me a nasty look, "ain't nobody gonna care for my little brother, except me. If I catch you even looken' at him, you're gonna regret it, kitty cat."



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