Chapter 5: Exposed

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The next morning:

"Hey sunshine. It's time to wake up." I shook Jungkook and he awoke instantly.

"Annyeong Cheyenne. What happened to you yesterday?" He asked rubbing his eyes as I walked to the door.

I froze in my spot and offered him a small smile. "Oh... I wasn't feeling well. So I went home early."

Jungkook rose to his feet and felt my forehead. "Are you okay now? I was worried about you." He quickly wrapped me up in a hug. "You need to tell me when you're not feeling well. I promised to always take care of you."

"Mm. I'm fine now. Thank you." We interlocked pinkies, sealing his promise. As I stepped out of his embrace I pushed him towards the bathroom. "Now hurry up before I wake the others." He chuckled and made his way to the bathroom as I woke up Jimin. "Rise and shine, cupcake!"

He stretched and I dodged his arms almost hitting me in the face. "Ya! Be careful! You almost hit me."

Jimin jumped up surprised. "Omo, sorry sorry. It was an accident."

I chuckled at his scared face. "Don't worry about it. Hurry up; go and get ready please." I was headed to Taehyung next when Jimin called my name.


Facing him I sighed and put my head down. "I'll tell you, Jungkook and Tae later. I'm just not ready yet..."

"Arasso. Arasso. Later then." Jimin stood up and kissed my cheek, and then went to go get ready.

There was clamoring in the kitchen, so I made a quick detour. I leaned up against a wall just watching Jin fumble with pans. "There's no need to cook. I ordered breakfast for you guys. It'll be there at the set, so go get ready please."

"Ah, you're the best Cheyenne." Jin also kissed my other cheek and disappeared down the hall.

Jin woke up Tae, Namjoon and Hoseok when he was being loud in the kitchen. "Go and get ready please. The van will be here in an hour. Oh, and food will be waiting for you on set; so pali." They stumbled over each other and I burst out laughing. "Be careful. Jeesh!"

Yoongi was the only person still sleeping. Go figure; he's always the last one out of bed. Some things don't change. I whistled a made up tune and walked in Yoongi's shared room. "Yoongi, hey... wake up!" I shook him, but he still didn't budge. As I leaned closer to his face he piped his eyes open and pulled me on the bed with him. "Ya! Let go, Yoongi. We're gonna be late if you don't get up now."

"5 more minutes

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"5 more minutes..." I playfully rolled my eyes at him and snuggled closer. His body heat felt heavenly. Yoongi placed a kiss on my head and I froze. "Gwenchana?"

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