15: Maternity

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Daniel stared in disbelief at the mother of Kertav's son. Then he read her ID badge. This seemed to shock him even more. He looked at her face and then at her translucent turquoise bracelets.


Kertav handed an unprotesting Adam to Daniel.

"Adam say hallo Daniel."

Adam smiled, but said nothing.

Daniel said something in Sandarit and the child smiled again.

"Hallo, Adam. I'm Daniel. I'm Mya's husband. Your brother-in-law. The father of your cousin, no, niece, Topaz."

"Topaz," said Adam, and pointed at her.

Then Daniel said something in Sandarit. Kertav and Melanda both beamed with pride.

"Mama," said Adam, pointing at Melanda.

"Nobody told me they had had a baby," Daniel said to me.

"Melanda and Kertav asked the Space Agency to keep it a secret so they could surprise you."

"They did. I had no idea. I would never have guessed. I remember that Melanda wanted to speak to a nurse. I thought she wanted information about contraception. I thought she was old. Heck. I think I've dated women the same age as her. She's quite attractive. If we were both single, would be bowled over by her. Oh dear. Forget I said that. Too much like Greek tragedy or soap opera."

Cinnamon was laughing, a lot.

"Forget I said that," he ordered her.

"Yeah, right. My mind has been wiped of that unfortunate comment."

"Thank goodness you don't speak Sandarit. You can't tell them what I said.

"Their English is getting really good. They may have understood you."

"Melanda has hardly stopped smiling since Adam was born. Everyone has commented. Kertav too."

Mama, said Adam, pointing again.

Daniel handed Adam to Melanda.

"Melanda and family not live Sizzle Zen Ship Sender now," explained Melanda. "Melanda and family live home in immunity now."


"Nice flat home. Some time Mya and Topaz visit."

"Ah, Topaz."

"You 'member Topaz? Topaz very pretty baby."

"And she talks," I added. "Sometimes. Topaz, this is Daniel. Are you going to say hallo to Daniel?" (No, evidently she was not.) "He has come back from a long journey, in a space ship. We hope he is not going to leave us and go on another journey, don't we?"

He picked up his daughter, who was clutching a wilted flower. She was wearing a pink tutu, pink tights, red sandals and a pink fake flower in her hair.

"Has she been to a fancy dress party?"

"No, I answered. "Nor does she attend ballet classes yet."


"Auntie Cin has shown you lots of pictures of Daniel, said Cin. Don't you remember?"


"See?" said Cin, proudly. "She can talk."

"Does she talk a lot?"

"Yes, she's just shy with strangers," Cin assured him. "Don't you want to talk about my news?"

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