Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"Hey, Pony you got a light?" I ask as me, Pony, and Johnny walked down the street to the lot. "Yeah" Pony, says and hands me a lighter. I light the cigarette and inhale the intoxicating smoke, calming my nerves. "You've been smoking an awful lot lately, what's wrong" Pony, asks me, being the first to realize my smoking habits lately "nothing, it's just Darry's, been on my case lately and it's stressing me out" I say and take another inhale of the cigarette. "Socs, up ahead" Johnny, says and we all start to walk with our heads down and I took my blade out from my pocket and Pony & Johnny did the same. We walked close together ready to fight back if the socs decide they're in the mood to give some Greasers a beating. Johnny, was starting to look a little pale and Pony, looked just as bad. They've both been jumped before but I haven't so I have no idea how they felt, but I had a bad feeling I would soon find out. "Hey Johnny, isn't that the same blue mustang you saw when you got jumped" Pony, asks Johnny in a low voice. Johnny only nods in response, and opens up his switch blade. "Do you think we can make a run for it?" I ask hoping there was a way out of this. "It's too late for that, but we're close to the house, so it's possible we can get out of here without blades to our necks" Pony, answers "well there goes our plans on going to the lot" I say and throw my cigarette on the ground. After a few minuets of being followed by the blue mustang, we say it pass us and keep going "looks like we ain't getting a beating today after all" Johnny says and we all let out deep breaths that we've been holding in the past few minuets. We all take out a cigarette and smoke till our nerves have washed away. "Should we go back to the house still? Them socs still might be around here and I ain't getting jumped today" Pony, says and we all agree to go back to the house instead of taking the chance of going to the lot, and being beaten senseless. When we make it back to the house Steve and Soda are wrestling on the ground, Two Bit was watching Micky Mouse as usual, and Darry was reading the paper. "Where's Dally?" Johnny, asks and sits on the couch. "Probably out getting drunk or something" answers Two Bit, shoving a piece of cake in his mouth. I never really liked Dally that much, nether did Pony. Pony, told me that he was so real that it scared him and it scared me to. "Riley, how much did you smoke today" Darry asks me and I turn to face him. "Well uh... I sorta lost count" I say and look down "what did I tell you about this, same with you Ponyboy. I told you that I didn't like it and you do it anyways! First it's fights at school, then it's cussing out your teachers, then you start stealing money from me and soda, to buy more cigarettes!" Darry yells at me. I always hated it when he yelled it scared me something awful and I needed to some after to calm me down. "Leave her alone!" Pony, yells at him stunning me cause he would never talk to Darry like that. "You stay out if this Ponyboy!" Darry screams making me want to cry but I refused to. "You know if you hate us so much why don't you just but us in a Foster home already" I scream and run out of the house as fast as I possibly could, not even caring wether or not I get jumped by some soc, I just needed to get away and that's exactly what I was doing.

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