Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

it was cold in my room. it felt like a million little needles piercing into me when i strip the warm blankets off of my shivering body. i walk out of the room rubbing my arms trying to make to goosebumps go away. "morning, Riley" Johnny, says to me when i walk into the back room. "hey, Johnny" i say and smile at him. "is there any cake left?" i ask and walk into the kitchen. "yeah, there's some left on the table" i hear Johnny, say. "where's the rest of the gang" i ask and come back into the room with the cake. "I'm not sure, but i know the Pony and Dally, are at the movies" he answers and I sigh, since i've been wanting to go to the movies for a while and they went without me. Again. "what happened last night with you and, Darry?" Johnny, asks hesitantly, not knowing if i would want to answer that. "he's just been too harsh on me and Pony, lately and it's getting on my nerves. I mean he never did this to Soda, so why do it to us?" I answer him and shove some cake in my mouth. "you know he only does that cause he cares" Johnny points out, but I already knew this. I just refused to believe it for some reason so i just don't say anything. After watching Mickey Mouse, for a little while Pony and Dally walk in talking about the movie they had just watched. "Thanks for going without me, Pony" i say and glare at him. "sorry about that" he says scratching the back of his head. "it's alright" I say and he sits down next to me trying to eat a piece of my cake but i smack his hand away. "first the movies, them my cake huh." i say and hit the back of his head. he laughs and i walk away eating more of my cake rubbing in the fact that he ain't getting any. "hey, Dal" i greet Dally, who is searching for some food in our fridge. "hey, Riles" he says to me. Dally, is the only one who calls me that. i hate it but that's the main reason he does it. i roll my eyes at him and he winks at me. "hey, no flirting with my sister. you hear Winston" Soda, says from the doorway to the kitchen. "it's not flirting if I'm not enjoying it" I say and look over to see Dally, leaning on the counter laughing at my remark. shaking my head i hit Dallys, head and leave the kitchen. "no one can resist me" Dally, yells from the kitchen. "well its a good thing i'm a somebody" i retort and i see Ponyboy and Johnny snickering over what i had said. "I'm going on a walk, wanna come?" i ask Pony and Johnny. they nod and i grab my leather jacket off the couch and we walk out the door. "what do you guys want to do?" i ask as we walked past and ice cream shop, that has been closed for years now. "Let's go to the park, we can watch the sunset again" Johnny, says and I smile at the idea of watching all to colors of the sky turn of the sky turn into a beautiful golden color. It's too bad that it doesn't stay like that forever. When we get to the park, the sun had already started to set, and the sky was a fiery color that was different from all the other times I has watched to sun go down. I take a deep breath and start smoking a cigarette, letting all my worries escape me like the fast paced time of life. "Wow, that was surely the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" I say and gaze at the sky that is now a dark blue color, no longer holding the gold shade of light that has run away from our grasps. "Yeah, that sure was something" Pony, says and we all take a drag of our cigarettes. "We should get back, Darry's going to get mad again if we don't get home soon" I say to, Ponyboy. "Are you coming with us Johnny?" I ask and he sighs and says "nah. I think I'm gonna stay here tonight, my folks don't care" "if you get cold , you come on over, alright" Pony, adds and Johnny only nods. He doesn't really talk much, but yet again none of us do. "See ya later, Johnny" me and, Pony say "see ya"
Me and Pony, were walking home when we saw a blue mustang driving by. That's when my blood ran cold, because I realized that my streak of never being jumped before would end soon. "Ponyboy, you got a blade?" I ask, with my voice shaking. "No, do you" he asks sounding just as scared as I was. "I forgot, to bring it" I say feeling like crying. I felt like I was about to pass out when the car pulled over next to us, and five tall muscular socs got out of it. "Well well well, what do ya know. I think we just found ourselves new dirt to kick" says one of the socs who had rings on. "What do you want" Pony, asks trying to sound tough, but I could still hear the panic in his voice. "We want to teach you and your little girlfriend a lesson" the soc answers and I look him straight in the eyes and say "first, he's my brother not my boyfriend, and second you better watch it cause you're out of territory" "really now. What's a pretty girl like you, doing walking around town in the middle of the night, huh?" The soc says grabbing my face, and squeezing it. "You, let her go" Pony, yells and the soc lets me go and kicks me in the shins making my fall to the ground. Two more other socs then come over to me and begin to continuously kick me in the stomach and head, making me feel awfully dizzy, and weak. "Help!" I scream as loud as possible "shut her up!" The tall one says and one of them shoves a dirty handkerchief in my mouth, making me gag. "Get off of them right now" I hear Darry, yell scaring the crap out of me. Darry soon starts to throw punches at the socs and, the run off after having enough of his painful hits. I spit the handkerchief out of my mouth and start coughing and spitting out some blood that had a nasty metallic taste to it. "Thanks, Darry. You saved out butts" I say and try standing up, which made it even harder to ignore the pain I was feeling in my stomach and head areas. "Let's get you guys home, before the cops show up" Darry says and supports me one his right shoulder and Pony on his left shoulder. When we get back to the house I stumble onto the couch and I groan in pain because I laid down on the side that those stupid socs kicked multiple times. "What happened?!" Soda asks running over to me. "We got jumped by some socs, when we were walking home from the park" I say forcing the words out. "Can you get me some ice" I say to no one in particular. "I'll go get it" Two Bit says and runs to the kitchen. "It's a good thing I came when I did, they would have killed you if I hadn't" Darry, says with a hint of anger that I was too weak to be pissed about like I normally was. "Two Bit, hurry up with that ice" Soda, yells and Two Bit comes running in with a piece of ice wrapped in a paper towel. "Thanks" I say and put the ice under my shirt and on the spot that will most likely have a bruise on it in the morning. I wince as the cold solid makes contact with my skin, and sends chills through out my body. Before I knew it my body was numb and I was in a deep dark sleep, and my body was at ease. But sadly I wasn't dead. But I wish I were.

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