Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

I woke up to the smell of chocolate cake and cigarettes, and the sound of Darry and Ponyboy arguing over something, as usual. I attempt to get up but fail miserably when I feel the sharp pain in my rib and stomach area. I grunt and lay back down not even daring to get up again. I feared that if I did I'd break one of my ribs or something. "Them socs, really know how to kick people" I say to myself and hold my stomach. "You alright, kiddo?" Soda, says and walks into my room. "What do you think?" I say sarcastically and he sits in bed with me. "How's Pony, doing?" I ask knowing that he got beat up too. "He's ok. Just a couple of bruises here and there. Nothing too bad" he answers and I feel relived knowing that he's alright. "Why was, Darry yelling at Pony?" I ask with a hit of dissatisfaction in my voice. "He was smoking in bed again" Soda, tells me and I already feel like yelling at Darry. He's just got to lay off. He's too hard on Pony, and it's not fair. "Could you help me get up. I tried before and I almost broke into two pieces" I say and laugh, that's something I haven't done in a while. "Yeah, sure Riles" he answers "now don't be calling me, Riles. I already get enough of that from Dally" I complain. "I think he likes you" Soda, says and frowns "well I don't like him and his big ass ego, so it don't matter" I say and he laughs. When my feet touch the iced cold ground I shiver both from the pain, and just being cold. I lean on Soda, for support and walk to the back room with mainly Soda, doing all the work since I was too weak to walk on my own. Soda, sets me down on the couch next to Pony, who is too engulfed in a book to even realize I was there. "How you doing, Riley?" Two Bit asks looking up from the tv that was playing a marathon of Mickey Mouse. "I'm alright. Just a huge bruise on my stomach and rib cage is all" I say and he laughs at my sarcastic ness. "Do ya need ice?" Pony, asks looking up from his book. I nod and he smiles at me, then gets the ice from the kitchen. While Pony, was gone Dally, came stumbling in probably drunk. "Hey, Dal" I say and he falls into the spot next to me. "Hey, Riles" he slurs "what's up" "the ceiling, you should use your head once in a while. It would help, that terrible breath of yours to loose that awful sent" I say and he raises an eyebrow and says "me? Use my head? You should really think about what you just said, since I'm not the one who ran away because my big brother yelled at me" he looks at me mockingly and I smack him, making Two Bit and Soda look at me with surprised looks on their faces. "Don't you dare talk to about me like that again, Winston" I yell and add "at least I'm not the one who gets drunk every night, and comes here for nourishment!" By this time I was standing up not even caring about how much it hurt to do so. I was mad. And I wasn't going to hide it. Not even with Dallas. "What did you just say to me?" Dally, says standing up making me look up because he was taller than me. "Get away from me, and get the hell out of my house you dirty bastard" I spat at him and he looks taken back a bit, but then he comes back to reality and storms out of the house. "What the hell was that, Riley?!" Soda yells, making me even more frustrated but I make myself calm down because he is my brother. "It was me, blowing up. It could have been worse" I say and sit back down. "That was pretty damn cool" Two Bit, says and I can't help but giggle a little bit at his remark. "Go to your room right now" Soda says and I raise an eyebrow at him since he's normally the fun one. "Nah. I think I'm going to stay here" I say testing him. "No. I said go to your room and I mean it"'Soda says raising his voice a little. "Fine, but don't get mad if I drop my cigarette and set the house on fire" I say getting up and limping to my room. When I get in my room I see Dally, sitting there smirking at me and he says "you thought you could get rid of me that easy huh. Well think again sweetheart" oh God. I think to myself. I really need a cigarette right now, cause I'm a nervous reck...

To be continued...

(Ahhhh cliff hanger 😏

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