Chapter 2 - 'Im glad your getting better'

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*A year later*

I flicked through my latest edition of shout magazine when i saw his face again. Justin Bieber was splashed everywhere and i couldn’t bear it. Especially when i found out he was dating that Disney girl Selena Gomez.

I remember a year ago when he promised me he would visit, but had he? Not once. No texts, no calls, no visits, nothing. I was as good as dead too him.

I picked up the magazine and threw it across my bedroom, creating a loud thud as it hit the wall. There was a quiet knock at my door and charlotte’s small voice said ‘Lauren? Are you okay?’. ‘Charlotte I'm fine, just please leave me alone’ I whimpered, shoving my head in a pillow, crying silently.

Charlotte POV!!

‘Charlotte I'm fine, just please leave me alone’ Lauren cried from the other side of her door. My heart tore in two, i could feel her pain. She hadn’t been the same since Justin left and never contacted. I tried to call him, but the one time he answered his excuse was he was too busy to deal with Lauren, and i hated him for hurting her this way. I sighed and trudged back downstairs and shook my head at Carl and Jenny’s hope filled faces. They couldn’t get Lauren to talk either.

‘You know what she needs? Her friends’ I piped up, throwing myself into an armchair. ‘Charlotte you know how many times we've tried to get her out...’ Jen reasoned, but as soon as she finished her sentence, quiet footsteps padded down the stairs. We all turned to look and Lauren was stood there wearing her Hollister joggers and a plain white long sleeved top, her hair tied up in a messy bun. Lauren smiled weakly and I broke into a massive grin. ‘How are you feeling today?’ Carl fretted, getting up and engulfing her in a huge bear hug. ‘Im fine carl’ Lauren laughed, it sounded so strange, she hadn’t laughed in a long time. When Carl finally let go of Lauren, she slumped into the kitchen. I looked at jen with wide eyes waiting for an explanation. ‘follow her then!’ Jen ushered, pointing to the kitchen. I got up and skidded to the kitchen dramatically. Lauren turned and smirked at me. ‘so....your okay?’ i asked awkwardly. ‘might as well get over it, he isn’t coming back, ive realised, end of story’ she grumbled, sitting on the kitchen counter, swinging her legs back and forth. I nodded and had a thought ‘seeing as you've been living like a dead person, wanna go shopping? Ill ask Beth Soph and Molly to come too?’ i asked hesitantly. Lauren looked worried ‘erm, yeah okay’ she agreed, shrugging her shoulders slightly. I grinned and Lauren looked at me weird. ‘go get dress then!’ i nearly squealed, i was so happy she was finally coming back to normal.

Lauren POV!!

When Charlotte mentioned the notion of meeting up with my best friends i felt, scared. Not scared of them in particular, scared of what they would think of me now, seeing as id been really antisocial this past year. My basic routine was eat, college, sleep, eat, college, sleep etc. Charlotte ordered me to go and get dressed so thats what i did. I retraced my footsteps and went back to my room. I took a deep breath and walked to my ensuite bathroom, switching on the shower, letting the water warm up. I stripped off and stepped in the shower, washing my hair too. I relaxed in the shower until i felt ready enough to face the world, got out and towel dried my hair. I then changed into my purple skinny jeans and a white jack wills hoodie, with my black nike blazers on my feet. I lifted up my arm to scrape a loose bit of hair behind my ear when my sleeve slipped down, and revealed my scars on my wrist. Oh man. I quickly tugged my sleeve back down, i hated seeing them, i felt ashamed. But it felt like the only way i could cope with...well with justin leaving. Everything seemed so dramatic, justin left, big deal, its just the fact of how much he ment to me, and how little i obviously ment to him now. I sighed and shook my head. I needed to stop thinking about him if i was going to get back to normal, and anyway, id be celebrating my 18th birthday in 2 months, which was something to look forward too.

 I suddenly had a thought...’Charlotte?’ i yelled. Within litrally 2 minuets she was in my room ‘yaaaaaah’ she sang in her fake irish accent. ‘right, don’t freak okay?’ i practically begged. She nodded and pressed her lips together. I took a deep breath and rolled up my sleeves so she could see my wrists. She looked like she was going to be sick.. ‘nononono, char listen, i have a idea of how to cover them and turn them into something positive!’ i babbled before she could yell at me. She still said nothing but nodded slightly. ‘Well, i was thinking i could have tattoo’s over them...’ i stuttered. Charlotte looked directly at me and smiled ‘im glad your getting better’ was all she said.

I love my sister. 


Yeah this is really short, and im just playing with ideas at the minuet, so if you dont like it, post a comment and let me know, then ill change it. night guys! Lauren:)

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