Love, Heartbreak, and Squirty Cream

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Lauren POV!!

'Im going to the UK, for a long time' He mumbled, squeezing my hand lightly. 

'We-well thats fi-fine, ill come with you!' I stuttered, almost sounding desperate towards the end. 

Justin shook his head slowly 'I don't think you can' 

I opened my mouth, but closed it again, i didn't have anything to say.

'When?' I squeaked, twirling a piece of hair around my index finger. 

'A week' He grimaced, looking at me with pleading eyes. 

I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself down before I started crying infront of everyone. 

'Want to go?' He asked, standing up with his hand outstretched towards me

I nodded gratefully and smiled a little for the camera's, the lump in my throat growing. 

Justin laced his fingers with mine, all the way home, but we didn't speak. 

When we got to mine, Justin walked up the porch with me and we stopped, just staring down at out hands.

'Come in?' I asked, looking at him with pleading eyes. 

He nodded and flashed me his crooked smile as I dragged him inside where we were greeted by Charlotte. 

'Were going straight sleep, but we will talk tomorrow' I babbled to her, running up the stairs with Justin right behind me before she would ask any questions. 

I slammed my bedroom door behind me and slumped against it briefly. 

'Ive ruined everything' Justin moaned, running his hand through his hair. 

'No, no you've not' I whispered, turning to face him. 

'Well why haven't you said anything!' he sighed, sounding exasperated

'What do I say to that!' I i frowned, stomping off to the bathroom and locking the door behind me. 

And then i just cried. 

As the tears were falling down my face, Justin knocked on the door quietly. 

'Im sorry, please, just come out' 

'Hang on' I sniffled, rubbing my eyes and grabbing one of Justin's shirts i kept in my bathroom and slipping it over my head after i took my dress off. 

I wiped my makeup off and tied my hair up and walked out to justin. 

'It doesn't matter where I go, I wont be gone forever' He whispered into my hair as he pulled me into a hug. 

'I know' I whispered back, listening to the beating of his heart. 

'Comeon, you're sleepy' He smiled, pulling me over to my bed just as I was yawning. 

I nodded and just followed him and lay down under the duvet. 

'Well are you getting in or what' I mumbled into my pillow, closing my eyes softly

Justin chucked and I felt his arms wrap around my waist just as i fell asleep. 


Charlotte POV!!

The next morning, i poked my head around Laurens door, only to see her and Justin asleep, Justin spooning Lauren which was the cutest thing Ive ever seen. Just as my pocket vibrated, I walked downstairs to get some food. 

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