Love Between Us.

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Charlotte POV!! 'Lauren?!' Justin's familiar voice yelled as Laurens legs collapsed from underneath her. Beth lunged for her, but Beth's never been very co-ordinated and completely missed her, and Lauren landed on the hard wooden floor with a loud thud. 'Lauren Lauren? Lauren can you hear me?' I repeated, pressing my cold hands on her warm cheek. She didn't respond and I began to panic. 'Charlotte move' Justin's husky voice demanded from next to me. 'Don't you touch her' I snarled, pushing his hands away. 'Charlotte let me help' He commanded, and Molly tugged the back of his very expensive looking jacket. 'Justin, you don;t help in the slightest, you'd know that if you kept your promise to her.' Sophia sighed sadly, trying to pick Lauren's limp body up from the floor, but she had no hope. 'I tried' Justin's voice cracked, looking away from all of us, and out towards the swarms of his 'beliebers' which were being quickly escorted from the building. A sarcastic snort came from Beth and she glared at Justin. 'Absolute bullshit' she spat. Justin seemed to give up and before any of us could react, he swung Lauren up bridal style and was carrying her off. 'OI, JUSTIN, YOU CANT JUST TAKE HER.' i yelled, all of us running after him. 'Oh look, I'm taking her.' he yelled, not looking back. I looked at Beth and rolled our eyes. We followed him into a back room, which had a plain black sofa and a few armchairs scattered around. Justin lay Lauren down on the sofa carefully and brushed her hair out of her face. 'seriously Justin, if she wakes up with you anyway near her she will flip' Molly warned, looking edgy. Justin clearly took no notice and poured himself a glass of water. 'what are yo-' I started to say but it was too late, the glass was tipped up and Lauren's face was drenched. 'WHAT THE ACTUAL MOTHER OF LORDY FUCK WHAAAAAAAAA' Lauren's high pitched scream erupted from her once still body. She sat bolt upright and began viciously drying her face with her jumper sleeves. 'LAUREN' I yelled, throwing my arms around her. 'woahhhhhhh' she giggled, falling back onto the sofa. 'What happened?' She asked, scrunching her face up.  'Errrrr' Molly, Beth, Sophia and Myself began, all averting our gaze over to Justin who stood sheepishly in the corner of the room. Lauren soon locked onto our gaze and followed it right over to Justin, where her mouth dropped. 'Lauren, now before we go any further' Justin babbled, waving his hands around a little. 'You son of a -' Lauren began, stomping right over to Justin. 'woahhhhhh, Lauren calm, were bestfriends remember' Justin smiled, reaching for her hands. Lauren snatched them away and slapped him straight around the face, a proper full on whack. As soon as her hand came into contact with his face, Beth laughed with delight. Sophia shoved her playfully, holding in a laugh of her own.  'What was that for!' Justin yelled in horror, holding his hand to his now red cheek. 'YOU KNOW WHAT' Lauren yelled back. 'DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE FACE OF SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY'VE DONE?' Justin argued, looking over to us as though we should help him. 'No, actually your face looks like someones who's just been slapped' Molly replied in a posh tone, causing us all to bust up laughing, everyone except Justin. 'IM SORRY FOR WHATEVER IVE DONE OKAY!' Justin sighed exasperated, rubbing his hands over his face. 'WHATEVER YOU'VE DONE? YOUR KIDDING ME RIGHT? YOU'VE DONE NOTHING JUSTIN, THAT'S THE PROBLEM' Lauren yelled, stepping away from Justin. 'shes right' Sophia mumbled. Beth started to shuffle back and we all did the same, and sat down slowly on the sofa, adding the occasional 'ooo' when needed in the massive bust up which was more entertaining than Eastenders.  'YOU LEFT ME. YOU'VE BEEN GONE FOR OVER A YEAR JUSTIN, HAVE I EVEN ENTERED YOUR THOUGHTS? NO IVE NOT. NO PHONE CALL, NO TEXTS, NO TWEETS, NO NOTHING, MY LIFE ENDED WHEN YOU STOPPED CARING.' Lauren shouted, then turning into a whisper. Justin stayed quiet this time and I just felt, angry. Before I knew what i was doing I stood up and went yelling at Justin myself. 'SHE STAYED IN HER ROOM, FOR A WHOLE YEAR, SHE BECAME SECLUDED, SHE WOULDN'T SPEAK TO ANYONE, NOT EVEN HER FRIENDS, YOU DID THAT. YOU DID. AND HER WRISTS, don't get me started on her wrists' I babbled, but then clamped my hands over my mouth when I let slip about her wrists. Sharp intakes of breath came from Molly Beth and Sophia behind me and Lauren just glared. 'W-wrists?' Justin stuttered. 'Lauren I'm sorry' I apologised, but she said nothing and stormed out. I slapped my hand on my forehead and sighed. The others just shook their heads at me, and Justin was right on Laurens heels after her. Maybe he would sort this out. 

Lauren POV

As soon as the words left Charlotte's mouth, i so desperately wanted to take them back and put them back into her mouth myself. Justin's face fell as soon as he heard, and the room became silent. 'Lauren I'm sorry' Charlotte apologised, but i couldn't speak. So i didn't the thing i do best, i ran, straight out of the fire exit. My feet slapped against the pavement as i legged it. I soon came to a little secluded park, no one could find me here, so i sat myself on a swing and began to rock myself backwards and forwards. The wind whistled across the trees and I could hear quiet footsteps getting closer. I looked up and saw Justin, stood in front of me. 'please go' I instructed, standing up and going to lay on the grass. 'We need to talk and you know it' Justin's sickly sweet voice floated around me. 'Fine, you wanna talk, go for it, I have nothing else to say to you' I said, no emotion showing in my voice. 'But first, let me see your wrists'. That sentence made me rigid with fear. I shook my head slightly, but Justin being Justin took no notice. He sat cross legged in front of me, and took my hands lightly, testing to see if I would react I guess, but I didn't. My eyes just stayed locked on his face to see his reaction. His warm fingers turned my arms upside down and he rested them against his thighs. He took a sharp breath at first glance and his hands flinched slightly. 'No Justin, don't look if you don't want too' I thought to myself, willing him to look no further. His fingers lazily traced the small lines which covered my wrists and i closed my eyes tightly. 'Why?' was the only word to escape his mouth. 'Because, i didn't know how to cope without you' I mumbled, tears hot behind my eyelids. He didn't say anything else, he just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. 'stop it, don't get me attached again, because youll just leave' I cried, restraining against his grip. 'I'm not going anywhere anymore. I cant hurt you again' He mumbled against my hair as i gave in and hugged his chest tightly. 'Promise' I smiled slightly, taking in his scent which was so familiar. 'Here's my promise' He whispered, lifting my head and brushing the hair out of my eyes. I melted into his chocolate eyes as they locked onto mine and my lips parted. He brought his mouth closer to mine and before i could respond his warm lips were on mine, both moving in sync.

  Justin POV!

 I forgot about Selena for a whole moment, that moment was just for me and Lauren. Our lips fitted together perfectly and I wondered to myself how i ever left her. When we pulled away, a small smile tugged at her lips and I felt happy, until i remembered that technically Ive just cheated on Selena. Oh man. 

Lauren POV!!

When we broke away, I smiled, just a small smile, but it was still a smile. But Justin's face dropped. 'What's wrong?' I stuttered. 'Selena' He mumbled and my heart sunk. He had a girlfriend. Oh jeez. No one saw right? 'Justin, Justin calm down okay, no one saw, there's no one here' I reassured him, resting my hand on his arm awkwardly. It seemed like the only gesture which was right for the moment i guess. He took a deep breath and looked towards his feet 'your right' he mumbled, picking a few threads of grass and shredding them. 'So...what now?' I asked after a few moments of silence. 'Now, I think of a way to break up with Selena' Justin said, meeting my gaze. 'Wha- woah huh?' I stumbled over my words, furrowing my eyebrows together tightly. 'I cant be with Selena when Ive finally got you to kiss me, after all these years. Ive liked you since we were 13 Lauren. You know that day down the lake? That's when i knew i needed you.' Justin said, sorrow seeping through his words. I was stunned, I didn't expect this at all. 'me? you, like me? why didn't you say! Ive known me and you should happen ever since that day down the lake too!' I grinned, happiness overwhelming me, but also a pit of guilt burrowing further and further into my heart. Justin grinned his million dollar smile and laced his fingers with mine, filling the spaces between my fingers perfectly. 'I need to go, and think, okay?' He sang in his deep husky voice which made my stomach turn with every word. 'okay' I whispered.  He pressed his lips against mine very quickly and then he was gone, but this time I knew he would be back. 


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