Chapter 1 - Where we began.

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Lauren POV

Sun was beaming through my blind as i opened my eyes, i generally thought i had been blinded for a few seconds. "oh Jesus" i cursed as i looked at my clock, 9:46. I was late for college, again. YAY. I shot up and swiftly got changed into a plain blue sweater and black skinny jeans. "CHARLOTTEEEEE" I yelled, attempting to wake my sister. "WHERE'S THE FIRE" she screamed, jumping up so fast she fell off her bed. I instantly burst into hysterical laughter as Charlotte stood up, rubbing her eyes. I composed myself and said "Were late for college, again.". Charlotte's expression was priceless as she dashed to her room to get ready. I shook my head and brushed my huge mass of blond hair which i then platted into a loose plat which fell over my shoulder. I ran and brushed my teeth quickly before banging on charlotte’s bedroom door. “you ready!?” i yelled, grabbing my handbag and slipping on my high top trainers. “yeah, yeah” she mumbled, coming down the stairs wearing her ‘The Midnight Beast’ hoodie and black jeans with red converse on her feet. “leggo!” i smiled, shoving her out of the door and locking it behind me. Charlotte stumbled into a plant pot and clung onto my shoulder to keep herself up. “Half asleep are we?” i asked, chuckling to myself. She grunted but i grabbed her hand and pulled her along. “come on were late enough as it is!” i exclaimed, dragging her all the way to college.

So lets rewind. My name’s lauren, and my sister is called charlotte. We live with our uncle and auntie, carl and jenny, because we never really knew out parents. Mum died from cancer when  i were 3 and Charlotte were 2, i can barely remember her, just her eyes, i could remember those. And our dad had never been around anyway, he was a waste of space and we didn’t need him as mum would say. Apart from this i have a good life, good friends, good family, and my grades weren't too bad either. But Carl and Jen have put us in charge of the house for 2 weeks whilst they took a vacation but as you can tell, its not going well, we've been late for college almost every morning.

“Charlotte seriously come on!” i urged, ushering her inside the college and into our classroom. “oh well what do we have here? Lauren and Charlotte late again?!? What a surprise” our teacher Mrs brown sneered at us. I looked her up and down and raised my eyebrows. “and your point being?” Charlotte frowned, slamming her bag on her desk and sitting down in her seat. I smirked as Mrs Browns expression looked fuming. “sit down” she hissed, going back behind her desk, filling us both out a detention slip. My eyes scanned around the class until they locked onto my best friend Justin’s eyes. He beckoned me over and patted the empty seat next to him.

Me and Justin had been best friends since we were real little. My mum and his mum used to be great friends until she passed away. Ever since then we had been inseparable, he taught he to play the guitar, drums and piano seeing as he learned when he was young, and he also had an amazing talent. He was an incredible singer, and i know his mum had been putting videos of him singing up on youtube and he had thousands of hits, i felt really proud of him.

 “hey lozzaaaaar” he winked, pulling out the chair for me. “alright biebs” i grinned, ruffling his hair as i sat down. He grinned and looked away from my gaze. I bit my lip and looked down, my curtain of hair creating a barrier between us. “erm, Lauren?” i heard Justin whisper from beside me. “hmm?” i replied, looking up slightly as i pulled my geography book from my bag. “I've gotta talk to you at break, its important” Justin told me seriously, his eyes growing wide. I could tell it wasn’t good news but i nodded and smiled. “sure” was all i said before i began taking down notes.

As break time came around, I went into the canteen with my friends Beth, Molly, Sophia and my sister Charlotte. I bought a bottle of water and went to find a table. We all sat down and I looked over to the entrance to see Justin walk in with his hands dug deep into his pockets and his eyes were fixed on the floor, something was wrong. "ill be back in a sec guys" i excused myself and ran over to him. "Justin?" i asked, standing in front of him so he couldn't walk away. He sighed deeply and removed his hands from his pockets, he wrapped his warm fingers around mine and led me out of the canteen. Sparks ran though my hands as he kept his grip firmly around my hands, you see i have always had a massive thing for Justin, he's just too dumb to see it. 

"Lauren, i honestly don't know how to tell you this" he sighed, running his fingers through his perfect brown hair. I bit my lip and started twirling a lock of hair around my index finger to stop myself from touching his hair myself. "Justin comeon, you know you can tell me anything, your my best friend" i sighed, putting emphasis on the word best friend. Justin started chewing his lip and his eyes eventually found mine. "I'm leaving" he whispered, not breaking our gaze. Woah, what?. "leaving?" i repeated, not quiet sure if i heard him right. He nodded slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. "what do you mean 'leaving'" i demanded, tears pricking at the back of my eye lids. "Well, You know my video's on youtube? yeah well this guy named scooter braun got in touch with us, and well....he wants to sign me, I'm moving to Atlanta." Justin stuttered, sensing my sadness. "ATLANTA?" i screamed hysterically. "Justin you can't leave me, please don't leave" i cried, tears filling my eyes completely. "Lauren, don't" he practically begged. The tears had now spilled down my cheeks and he wiped them away with his thumb. "when?" i asked, bringing my eyes to search his face. That's when he stopped again. "now" he whispered so quietly, but i still heard. My best friend was leaving, now. I must have looked like i was about to faint because Justin enclosed me in a huge bear hug and rocked me from side to side. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and cried silently. I heard a car horn beep from behind me and i pulled away to look who it was. Justin's mum. "Justin? come on sweetie we've gotta go" she yelled from her car window. I spun round and stared at Justin with sad eyes. "I'm so sorry Lauren" he said again, tucking my hair behind my ear. "you'll keep in touch, you'll come see me right?" i begged, clinging onto his hand. He nodded, unable to speak. I settled for a weak smile as he climbed into the car. As it began pulling away, i couldn't look. He was gone. 

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