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~Phoenix's POV~

I walked into my house and chucked my keys onto the little coffee table in front of the sofa. Today was tiring at work. I'm a hairdresser so the day was bound  to be tiring, but today...I just couldn't handle the customers. Someone in particular really got on my nerves though.

A woman in her early 30's decided she wanted to dye her nice long brown hair blue (she must have been having a mid life crisis or something) anyway after I had bleached it and put the dye in she said she wanted her hair cut to just below her shoulders so once the dye was out I cut it for her. I dried her hair and showed her, but once she saw it all hell broke loose.

She started shouting at me for doing it...Um excuse me but you're the one who wanted it done love, not me. I would have said no except my boss' saying is "the customer is always right...if you argue with them your fired" I'm hoping that last part is a joke but anyway the woman ended up complaining about her hair and my boss took the money out of my wages and made someone else sort her hair out...she ended up dying it back to brown and having it cut even shorter.

I laid down on the sofa for some peace and quiet, but that didn't last long as my roommates/ best friend Chloe barged through the door.

"Ugh I can't believe my luck!" She yelled.

"What's going on?"

"I just got out of my car after a long day at work and now I'm having to drive all the way to the other end of town for my dentist appointment that I forgot I had"

"Why don't you just transfer to my dentist that's this side of town?"

"Because that's too much hassle"

I put my hands up in surrender "ok it was just an idea"

Chloe went upstairs to get dressed. She came back downstairs and left. She's gonna have a hard time getting to the dentist on time with all the traffic from rush hour.

All of a sudden, I got a text.

Unknown number.
I wonder who that is.

?: hey
Me: who is this
?: you know who it is
Me: no I don't
?: oh umm who am I talking to?
Me: the names Phoenix now who are you?

They didn't answer straight away. 10 minutes had passed and there was still no answer. Must have realised that I wasn't who they thought I was.

Another 3 minutes had passed when I heard the familiar ping of my phone informing me that I have a text.

?: my names Brendon

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this, and I hope you continue to read to find out what happens.

Just to clear somethings up Phoenix lives in England in a city (it's basically a town but it's called a city) called Brighton with her best friend Chloe. She's a hairdresser but it already says that.

You can imagine yourself as Phoenix if you want but you could always imagine her as someone else if you would prefer that. I will never give an exact description of what she looks like because I want to leave that up to your imagination.

Thank you for reading this.

Who am I talking to? (Brendon Urie) book 1Where stories live. Discover now