Chapter 9

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~Nev's POV~

We just arrived at the hotel, but I can't stop thinking about this Catfish. Everything links up perfectly, but at the same time, it doesn't.

I know that he kept his last name from Phoenix knowing that she wouldn't believe him, but if he was going to tell her anyway, then why did he leave it for so long.

He sent her specific pictures that she asked for, but she thinks she might have seen them before.

This case might be tougher than I thought.

I got into my hotel room and unpacked a few things before Max came in to help me try to solve the mystery behind the possible Catfish.

"Ok the best thing to do first is probably search the phone number" Max said.

I searched it. There was no name, no gender, no age, but there was an address. Not as helpful as I was hoping, but still useful.

"Ok now we should probably do an image search" I stated.

I searched them all up and they were all on the internet.

"Ok so now what do we do, there's no point in looking at social media because we will know what account is real and what accounts aren't" Max said.

"But that's a good thing" I replied. "We can contact him and ask him if he knows Phoenix and if it was actually him that she was talking to"

"Ok then, go on his Instagram account and message him" Max said.

I unlocked my phone and went straight to Instagram and followed Brendon, I also noticed that he followed me. I went to the DMs (sliding into those DMs- sorry) and typed out a message to him.

'Hi Brendon,
It's Nev from Catfish. I don't know if you have heard of my show, but I'm working on a incident that you may or may not be involved in. I would very much appreciate it if you could get back to me fairly soon with this number ##### ######

Many thanks,

Now we play the waiting game.

It turns out, Brendon never answered us. Maybe it really is him that's talking to Phoenix and he's mad at her for not believing him, but it had to be done. Or maybe he's just busy or at work or something.

Max left to go to his own hotel room so we could get some sleep.

Am I ready to tell Phoenix about all of this tomorrow? No, not really, but it has to be done. I'm not proud that we didn't find out much, but we at least found something. An address. So if worse comes to worse, we will just have to got there and hope we find either our Catfish, or Brendon. 

If it's not Brendon, then this Catfish has been doing some serious work on not letting Phoenix finding out the truth.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's only another filler, but I suppose it's quite I'm operant at the same time.

Thanks for reading. Bye.

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