Chapter 8

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Once everyone was comfortable, we started talking about the situation. Even Chloe and Adam were there.

"So, tell us about Brendon" Nev said, while the camera crew and Max recorded me.

"Well two years ago I got a text from a random number saying 'hey' so I text back asking who it was that I was talking to and he just text back saying "you know who this is". It turns out he got the wrong number and I never did find out who that text was supposed to go to" I told them.

"How did you find out his name then?" Nev asked.

"Well after I told him what my name was and asking him what his name was, it took about ten minutes for him to reply back 'Brendon' but he would never tell me his last name"

"How did you get him to tell you?" Max asked.

"Well I kept asking and asking and I remember a year ago I asked him and he said something about music and that's why he couldn't tell me but I asked what it had to do with music and he replied back, and I quote, 'oh has a lot more to do with music than you think' and e didn't reply to me for about a week after that, leaving me confused and unable to focus on anything apart from that"

"So he actually told you his last name was Urie about 5 days ago?" Nev asked.

"Yep" I replied.

What happened when he told you?" Nev asked.

"Well I told him that he had to tell me because he promised me he would tell me. At first he refused and used the same reason as every other time-'you wont believe me'. But then I mentioned how long we had been texting each other and he decided to actually tell me. He was right, I didn't believe him, so I got him to take two pictures: one of him holding up a cd, and one of him wearing booty shorts" as soon as I mentioned the booty shorts everyone laughed. "He sent me the pictures and it seems legit, but I still don't fully believe him because I'm sure I've seen those pictures before" I found the pictures and showed everyone.

"Ok is there anything else we need to know?" Max asked.

I shook my head "no I don't think so?" I kind of questioned myself whilst looking at Chloe and Adam to see if I had left out any crucial information, but they just shook their heads as well.

"The thing is, I'm not sure if I love him or not. I definitely like him as a friend, but I'm not sure if I would go further into saying I like him more than that" I said.

"Why do you say that?" Nev asked.

"Well because I've fallen in love with the guy texting me, but I don't know if that guy is actually Brendon. I can't trust him if he couldn't tell me his last name for two years. If it is Brendon then I will have to apologise for not believing him, but if it's not him, I will have to think about things. I know people say that live shouldn't be based on looks, but if you think about it, if you loved someone but didn't like the way they would look then it wouldn't be live because it's part of who they are and also it would be very awkward. If is not him I will have to see who it really is to know if I would carry on talking to them or not. But I would probably be leaning to not talking to them again. I probably sound really stuck up, but if they guy was cute and had a good enough reason to have done what they did, which they probably don't, then I might consider keeping contact"

"You don't sound stuck up at all. That's all true what you said, sure you have to love someone for their personality, but you do also have to like the way they look. As you pointed out, it's part of who they are, what if they would feel the need to change the way they look to suit someone else's  standards. People shouldn't do that for others, they should learn to love themselves for who they are, not what others want them to be. They will soon find someone that likes the way they look" Max stated.

"To be fair, it's like the show Dating In The Dark" Chloe joined in. "If you have ever seen it, you would know that it's a social experiment to see if people fall in love with someone but don't know what they look like. Every time they go on a date it's in a dark room, and they are not allowed to see each other outside of the room. Sure it sounds like people won't care about the looks after, but once they see each other in the light, and they don't like the way they look, they will just leave and decide not to date the other person in real life. Most of the time it never works"

Everyone nodded at what me, Max and Chloe had said, but now it was time to get to work.

"Ok, well we're gonna leave you for a bit to see if we can find anything out" Nev informed me. I simply nodded and they all walked out and called a taxi to take ten to their hotel.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I don't really have anything to say atm sooo...

Thanks for reading. Bye.

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