Chapter 20

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I woke up to some streamers going off. "Wow...thanks guys" I said whilst rubbing my eyes.

Chloe and Adam somehow managed to sneak into my room without waking me up.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" the both shouted.

"Yeah, cool thanks...can you go now so I can go back to sleep" I sassed.

"Don't be FuCkInG RUDE" Chloe said in her best Kim Kardashian voice.

"Bye bye bitches" I said waving them out the door. They just rolled their eyes and left.

I went back to sleep, but not for long. I got a text-yay. No sleep for me I guess.

It was Pete.

Pete: morning beautiful

Nix: morning bitch ass hoe

Pete: still using the nickname I see

Nix: yep

Pete: well then I'm just gonna have to keep calling u eagle

Nix: fine by me
Nix: I'll only let u call me that tho

Pete: I feel privileged

Nix: u better bitch

Pete: so what u wanna do today birthday girl

Nix: well I wanted to sleep but Chloe and Adam woke me up then I went back to sleep but u woke me up

Pete: sorry

Nix: sorry not good enough

Pete: what else do u want me to do?

Nix: go fuck urself?

Pete: don't think that's possible

Nix: well then maybe u can let me sleep

Pete: no can do

Nix: *bish whet face* y

Pete: cus I'm outside and it would be rude for u to ignore ur boyfriend

Nix: stfu and leave

Pete: u have offended me...if u knew how I felt y would u say that?

Nix: what do u want me to do walk all the way down the stairs say hello and go back to my room I don't think so

Pete: u can use the elevator

Nix: that's a no from me

Pete: fine, I'll just come up then

Nix: or u could leave and let me sleep

Pete: no I want to see u

Nix: what's the password?

Pete: I've got pizza

Nix: ur free to enter

Pete: what's ur room number

Nix: floor 3 number 301

Pete: k

I put my phone down and just waited for him to get to my room so I could eat my pizza. He might think that I'm gonna let him have some considering he brought it, but it's mine. And it's my birthday so...

After 5 minutes, there was a knock on my door. "It's open" I called out to Pete.

He walked in carrying a large pizza...great now I'm gonna have to share it, I can't eat that much.

"Hey babe" he said. I cringed at the word he used. For some reason the word 'babe' is cringey, but not just for me, Chloe finds it cringey as well.

Who am I talking to? (Brendon Urie) book 1Where stories live. Discover now