Chapter 2

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Audri's POV

"Did you start packing like I asked you to?" My mom asked and I nodded. I still haven't heard from Niall. He's probably mad that I have to leave but, I really need him right now. Once I packed all by books and set the box on top of the rest of the other boxes, I went straight for my phone. I have five missed calls three from Kim and two from Niall. They must of seen the text I sent. I decided to call Kim back first. "Hello." She sounds like she's been crying all day.

"Hey Kim how are you taking it?"

"Not well I feel like your mom wants you to leave early and I don't want that."

"Yea I know but, the new owners will be coming soon so we have pack our stuff and leave in two weeks."

"Want me to come over and help?"

"That would be really helpful. Thank you." I hang up the phone and call Niall next. He answers on the second ring. "Hey Audri is it ok if I just come over there to your house and talk to you?" He sounds like he's in a rush but, I don't question him about it.

"Yea sure, Kim's coming too if that's fine with you?"

"Yea ok, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Alright see you then." I hang up the phone and wait for my best friend and my boyfriend to arrive. Niall arrived first and gave me the biggest hug possible. My mom stood in the door way and looked at us for a second then went back into the house. I didn't say anything to Niall, I just took him by the hand and led him up to my room. "Do you want to talk about you moving in two weeks? I don't think I can handle you leaving me. I know I said I would never stop loving you but, I want to know if you feel the same way."

"I do feel the same way it's just that you know how I feel about long distance relationships."

"So you want to break up with me or what because I rather you do it face to face then doing it thousands of miles away." I felt my face heat and my tears came down faster then I imagined. I don't want to break up with Niall I love him but, me moving can ruin our relationship. "I never said I wanted to break up with you." I begin to sob.

"Then what is it, you don't do long distance relationships but then you don't want to break up with me."

"I know, can we just talk about this later. I don't want you leaving my soon-to-be past house upset."

"No I want to talk about this right now. We can't just avoid the subject when we all know it's going to come up again." He says in the most irritated way. I didn't want to talk about it anymore, just imagining me leaving my boyfriend and my best friend behind really hurts. Niall goes and sits down on the edge of my bed. I go and stand in between his legs. I lift his head so he can look at me, his face was burning.

"Niall I love you with all my heart no one can ever stand between us ok?"

"Ok and I love you too." He pulls me by the waist and I laid on top of him. He flip us around and begin kissing my neck. His kisses were so soft and gentle, at first but then it became intense. I begin to pull up his shirt, his body was so nice and fit. He pulled off my shorts and panties at the same time. I was left in nothing but my shirt and bra. I stood up and moved him off of me to go lock my door. When I walk back to my bed Niall was taking off his pants.

His body was perfection. "Do you have protection." He nodded and pulled out a small packet from his wallet. He walked towards me and pulled me by my waist. He fell back on my bed. He scooted back towards the head broad and brought me with him. I begin to kiss his neck as he put the condom on. He flipped us around once again. Before he could enter me there was a knock at my door.

"Audri unlock your so we can talk."

I hear my best friend Kim say. I jumped up so quickly and pushed Niall off the bed. He scrambled to put his clothes back on. I pointed to his manhood were the condom was still on. "I'm gonna leave that on just in case your friend leaves early."

He whispered with a smirk on his face.

"Audri!" My best friend bangs in the door. She can be so impatient sometimes. I put my shirt on then reached for the doorknob. I opened the door and Kim barged right pass me. "Well now I know why you wouldn't open the door." She says as she looks back between Niall and I. Niall goes and sits at my desk. I walk over towards him and sit on his lap. "So about you moving earlier, you can't tell the new owners to wait?" Kim says and begins to pick at her fingernails.

I look at Niall and back at Kim before answering her. "No I can't it's not up to me and plus the new owners are already coming." Niall gives me a light kiss on my cheek for comfort. Kim stands to her feet and begins walking toward the door. "Where are you going?" I get off Niall's lap and chase after Kim.

"Kim please, don't leave."

"Why not? Your leaving anyways, it's just a waste of my time to still be here when I know your leaving soon."

"Please I need you for your support. I don't want to leave, but I have to."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm not staying so this will be our goodbye." Kim says then slams the front door behind her. Niall comes from upstairs and pulls me into a hug. "Everything will be ok, she'll come around just give her some time to cool down." He says into my hair. I hope everything will be fine because I really need by best friend here with me.


Niall went home and I was left alone in my room. It was only eight o, clock and my favorite show was coming on. 'That 70's Show'. Fez was as usual chasing after Jackie, but she always turned him down. I hear something downstairs so I turned off the T.V to hear the noise again. I hear glass splatter and my mom scream. I grab my dad's bat and ran downstairs.

"What's going on in here let her go you piece of shit!" I scream at the masked man who has my mom in a choke hold position. I swing the bat at his back and he let's go of my mom. "Go call the police mom I'll watch him." She does as I say and calls the police. I bend down and take the mask off of the man. It was Zayn the bad ass from school. Why would he be trying to rob my house? "Why are in my house and don't you fucking lie." He sits up and stands and moves toward the counter. "The police will be here in ten minutes." My mom says and moves behind me. I nod and look back at Zayn.

"I needed money and since I heard you guys were leaving I thought you might have money lying around the house."

"Are you fucking stupid we wouldn't just have money around the house you dumbass and who told I was moving?"

"Well I thought you would."

"You didn't answer my god damn question who told you I was moving?"

"She said not to tell anyone because she's the one who set this whole thing up."

"If you don't tell I'm going to have to bash this bat over your fucking head, now tell me!"

"Alright, alright her name is Kim she said that you were moving and that she needed money to owe some man and she said that since you were moving that there will be money lying around."

I hear sirens outside, but then they shut off by my thoughts of my so called best friend having Zayn come and rob my house. My mom goes and let's the police man in.

"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to get rough with your mom, but Kim told me to do anything to bring this house down." Zayn says with his face toward the police walking up to him. The police man who I think name was Officer Wilson asked my mom if she wanted to press charges. She looked at me for an answer. "No we don't let him go," I looked over toward Zayn "and any type of shit like this happen again I will not hesitate to beat your ass." He nodded and Officer Wilson un cuffed him then they both left out together.

How could Kim do something so fucked up like this? I mean she was suppose to be my best friend. I don't even now if I should call Niall like was he in on it too. No I won't call I'll just wait till tommorow.

(Sorry for such a late update I've been going through some things. Once again please vote/comment. Thank you for reading. And don't hesitate to tell others about my story xoxo)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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