Theatrical Acts

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Sorry for not updating in about 7 months I've just been busy and that's the truth but I'm not going to go on and on about my excuses. I'm going to try and update at least once or twice a week. Whoever is still holding on and reading this book thank you and enjoy! - Aria


"Baudelaires it's time to wake up" I said quietly but loud enough for them to wake up. Violet stirred in her sleep unlike Klaus who just stayed asleep. "Violet wake up" I went over to her side of the bed and woke her. Violets eyes sprung open and she sat up as much as she could. "Good morning Eleanor" Violet said genuinely now noticing I was here. "Morning Violet" I replied now heading to Klaus's side of the bed. Not beds but bed. "Do you mind waking Sunny I'll wake up Klaus" I questioned her and she nodded a yes. I sat on my knees so it would be easier to wake him since the bed was so low I could shake him awake. But me being me I kept shaking him harder cause he wouldn't get out of bed. I moved him one more time a little to much towards me and Klaus Baudelaire fell off the bed and on to myself. When he fell we banged our heads together waking him up. "Ow" I whispered under him my hand now going to my throbbing head even though I have indeed had worse. "Eleanor?" Klaus questioned as he realized who he was on top of...gosh that sounded a bit wrong. Klaus quickly got off of me eyes wide. My cheeks turned pink from embarrassment and the closeness we were just in. "sorry I was just trying to wake you up" I apologized. "It's fine I'm sorry too, but hey you woke me up didn't you" he joked trying to lighten up the mood. I'm surprised he was one for jokes. I smiled at what he said cause he was right.

*time skip

"Put some elbow grease to it", father said drinking a cup of tea. Which he surprisingly made...I think? Violet was chopping wood, which I gave to her. And Klaus was stacking them in a pile. "Mr. Poe must have made a mistake a horrible mistake when he took us here. There's no way our parents would want us in Count Olaf's care, if we can even call it that" said Violet. "As soon as Count Olaf's back is turned we need to leave this house. I'd rather take my chances on the streets than stay here any longer" exclaimed Klaus. "Who knows what would happen to us on the street? At least here we have a roof over our heads" Violet reasoned. Klaus sighed knowing she was right, "I wish our parent's money could be used now instead of when you come of age". He added. Klaus picked up some chopped would and said "then we could buy a castle and live in it. With armed guards patrolling outside to keep out count Olaf and his troupe". Klaus started. "With a large inventing studio" Violet said with a smile. Klaus chuckled "and a library". "And chewable objects" sunny added. I smiled at there imagination. "And of course we would take Eleanor along with us" klaus said, " I..I mean if you want pressure..I mean you would be away from here and"~" I would love to go with you klaus" I said giggling at his nervousness. He sighed in relief and gave me a small smile making me smile back. But of course the moment was ruined. "Hurry up orphans, there's reupholstering to be done" spat Olaf. I just rolled my eyes at that ugly old rat, but then again that's just offensive to rats. I then just zoned out and didn't even bother listening to their conversation. I tend to do that a lot don't ask why, I don't even know myself. By the time my time zoning was over and I was sadly back to reality the three siblings were about to walk into the house. "Where are you guys going" I asked them curiously and they turned to look at me, face full of anxiousness and slight worry. "We need to go see Mr. Poe" Violet said not totally sure. Sunny said something in her baby language but I understood. "Don't worry I'm not going to tell anyone you can trust me" I reassured them and they looked at each other and then at me. "We're going to get out of here and we're bring you with us" Klaus told me as I stared into his brown eyes. They turned around and walked away making me sigh. I was alone again.
I went inside the house and quietly headed up the stairs trying not to make a single sound so no one would know where I was going. But of course as I thought it I just have to jinx myself. "Where do you think your going" I heard dads voice and I turned around to be met with a person with a wicked unibrow. "I'm going to my room" I told him truthfully glaring. "Are you being sassy with me" he raised an eye brow well more like curved one side of  his unibrow up. "Come here now and follow me" he said walking away. Through the old dirty hallways we walked until we reached the destination of the dinning room. "Aren't these just lovely cupcakes" Dad held  a box of pink frosted cupcakes which looked store bought. "I made them myself" he said holding a look of proudness like he was showing off. "If your trying to fool someone that you made them your self maybe you should take the sticker off that has the price of the cupcakes on it at least. And knowing you, the cupcakes are probably soaked in poison by now" I sneered at him and he scowled at me in return. "You know me so well" Count said referring to the poison part as he took the sticker off. "Did you bring me here for a specific reason or can I go?" I questioned Olaf as I no longer wanted to be in the same room as him. "Listen here you little runt you will sit here and listen to my spectacular new idea of a play" he growled at me leaning down to my height. "It's probably going to be a failure like all your other plays" I said simply with a shrug. "It will work perfectly I know it will" Father said with an evil cackle. "No it won't" I shrugged.
"Yes it will"
"No it won't"
About ten minutes later
"Boss?" goes the evil henchman with hooks as hands but right now I was trying to win an argument.
"Ha you admitted it was a no I win you old man" I cheered in accomplishment.
"Wait....what...." A look of realization struck the old mans face then turned into a cold glare. That's when we finally noticed the Baudelaires in the clutches of the hook man. Oh no, my slight smile turned into a deep frown. "Shall I let them off the hook" asked the hook man. Count Olaf just waved his hand for them to come so the hook man literally took them off the hook and pushed them. Violet took a seat and Klaus did the same after placing Sunny in her own chair. "I spent all morning making these cupcakes for you" Count said surprisingly calm. "Thank you" Klaus and Violet said in sonic as for Sunny she said they were store bought and I couldn't help but stifle a laugh by coughing. Olaf just looked at me weirdly when I started coughing but I just waved it off. "Aren't raspberries delicious, they were my favorite berries when I was your age" Dad said licking his finger which was laced in icing. "But we're all different ages" Violet replied rather smartly. Count Olaf got on the table and slid his way to the three. "Your going to break the table Olaf" I said which I got a glare in return. Violet gulped while Klaus looked at there so called 'guardian' weirdly. "I want to talk to you about something, I recently received a call from Mr. Poe" Olaf said taking another lick at his finger. "It's that so, I'm sorry Mr. Poe bothered you" Violet said as calmly as she could. Father only chuckled, "I'm glad he did because I want you three children to feel more at home here now that I am your father. As you know, I have been working hard with my theatre troupe, and I'm afraid I may have acted a but standoffish " he said. " make you feel a little more at home here... I want you to participate in my next play" he said and I gave him a questioning look which he obviously couldn't see. I met eyes with Klaus and he looked but I just gave him the same look as in saying 'I have no idea what he's talking about'. "Participate how" Violet asked. County started laughing but since he was still eating he ended up in a coughing fit. Standing up on the table he said, "the marvelous marriage and is by the great playwright Al Funcoot, we will give only one performance this Friday night. It tells the story of a very handsome and good-looking man, played by me. You Sunny, you Klaus and you Eleanor will play three cheering people in the crowd. "But we're shorter than most adults. Won't that look weird to the audience" klaus tried making up excuses. "You'll be playing to midgets" Olaf said rather annoyed. "And what will I do? Build the sets" Violet questioned hopeful. "Build the sets? Oh heavens, no" Olaf said but got cut off by the middle Baudelaire. "My sister is very good with tools" klaus interfered. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't be working backstage" Dad said. "But I'd like to" Violet said. Father only sighed. "Sunny, Sunny, Sunny..." Count Olaf just shook his head. "Violet?" Violet said her name not so sure more like a question. "Violet, Violet, Violet. You will be playing the young women I mary. It's a very important role although you only have one line, and I think you know what it is" Olaf said. "I don't" Violet replied. "No no no. It's 'I do'" Dad said rather happily. What was he thinking. Violet sighed "Count Olaf" Violet started but Olaf cut her off. "What did you call me?" He asked. "Father" Violet started again and Count chuckled. "I'm not sure I'm talented enough to perform professionally. I'd hate to disgrace your good name and the name of Al Funcoot. Plus I'll be very busy the next few weeks working on my inventions"-" and learning how to prepare roast beef"both Eldest and middle Baudelaire tried making excuses. However this seemed to get father rather angry. "You will participate in my theatrical performance! I would prefer it if you participate voluntarily, but as I believe Mr. Poe has explained to you, I can act loco parentheses. " Dad said. Did he mean loco parantis. "In loco parantis" Klaus confirmed correcting Count Olaf. "Poco De Laurentiis" Father tried again even worse then the first time. "In Loco Parantis" klaus said a little slower rather enjoying this. "The point is I can order you to participate and you must obey" Count said getting down on all fours and eating a cupcake very messily. "Now go talk to the women in the wig, I can't stand looking at you anymore" Olaf said with a full mouth making me grimace.

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