The Wedding.

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I could hear the bickering voices of Klaus and the dreadful Olaf. I looked over to Violet and we both new that we needed to see what was happening. "Excuse me" Klaus being polite brushed past the minions. "Sorry to interrupt everyone but that brave and clever boy with the horrible glasses, has just figured out our dastardly plan" Count Olaf said as Klaus ran up the stairs to Violet and I. The troupe gasped shocked. "Yes, thanks to his stupendous library book the orphans have achieved a grand victory over our evil ways" 'father' inquired. "Oh no-whatever will we do- I guess we will have to go to jail. -for a very long time"the two old hags said going back and forth. "I guess that proves reading really is fundamental" the person said that no one knew if it was a he or a she. I'm going to go with a he. "Violet... do you think your booky little brother is very brave and clever?" The head theatrical leader asked. "His work speaks for itself" she responded bluntly. "Count Olaf wants to marry you for real, while you and Justice Strauss and everyone else thinks it's just a play" he said looking at Violet and then me for a second and then Violet again. I was shocked I mean I knew my father was evil but I didn't know he was this evil. "But I'm not old enough to get married" Violet said calmly. "You can with the permission of your legal guardian" Klaus told her. "In loco parentis" I said. "We have to get Sunny and get out of this wretched place" Violet said and Klaus and her made their way past me. I quickly rushed after them but I couldn't help but feel sad they were going to leave. "Sunny wake up, Sunny" Violet called. I pulled the blanket off the bed to reveal a bunch of clothes. "Where is she" Violet said reading mine and Klaus's thoughts. "Where is she indeed? It certainly is so strange to find a child missing, and one so small, so helpless. When did you see her last?" Olaf said leaning against the door. "What have you done with Sunny" Violet asked him. "Here Sunny, Sunny. Where are you girl? Did you here that? It came from outside" Count Idiot exclaimed. The three of us kids looked at each other before running out the door down the stairs and making our way to the backyard. I looked around but baby Sunny was no where to be seen. "Oh your not looking in the right place. For children who read so much you two are remarkably unintelligent" Olaf said coming out of the house. "She's not here" Violet said, no offense but pointing out the obvious. "Oh don't look so down. I'd say things are looking up, up...up," Count Olaf said looking up at the sky. I followed to where he was looking at and couldn't help but gasp. Sunny was hanging by a cage by the window of Fathers tower. "Oh no" Klaus said. I took hold of his hand in worry but in reassurance for him as well. I could feel him giving my hand a slight squeeze in return. "Let her go she's done nothing to you."-"She's an infant."Violet started and Klaus ended. "Well if you really want me to let her go I will. But even a stupid brat like you might realize that If I let her go, or more accurately if I have my comrade let her go..."-"hi"-"Sunny might not survive the fall to the ground that's a 30-foot tower, which is a very long way for a very small person to fall, even when she's inside a cage. But if you insist" Olaf said about to tell the hook man to release Sunny. "No, don't!" Klaus exclaimed. "Please she's just a baby we'll do anything, anything. Just don't harm her" Violet said rushingly. "Would you for instance consider marrying me, during tomorrow nights performance" Father questioned Violet. And can I just say that I was beyond disgusted. I mean not only was she a child she would be my step mom. "I would never, ever marry you" she said and scoffed at Count Olaf. "Hmm" he said raising an eyebrow slightly. "Children...your sister is like a stick behind a stubborn mule" Olaf said. "My sisters not a stick" Klaus said protectively. "Any animal owner will tell you that a stubborn mule will move toward the carrot because it wants the reward of food...and away from the stick because it wants to avoid the punishment of rump pain. Likewise you will do what I say to avoid the punishment of the loss of your sister, and because you want the reward of a charming husband" Count Olaf said looking at Violet. He pushed Klaus out of the way "come now would it be so terrible to be my bride to live in my house for the rest of your life"-"yes" I said interrupting. Olaf turned to face me scowling before going back to Violet. "Your such a lovely girl. After the wedding I wouldn't dispose of you like your brother and sister" Olaf told Violet. "If you let Sunny go...I will marry you" Violet responded. "Mazel Tov" the theatrical troupe said throwing rice in the air. I glared at them and at Count Olaf. "I will let Sunny go after tomorrow night's performance. Until then she will remain in the tower room for safekeeping. That is all" Olaf said taking Klaus book and began walking away. "Your a terrible man" Klaus said. "I may be a terrible man, but I have concocted a foolproof way of getting your fortune what have you done" Olaf asked. "You'll pay for this you evil hag" I yelled at him before he walked inside. I looked over at Violet to see her tying her hair with a red ribbon. "What is she doing" I asked Klaus. "She's coming up with an invention tying up her hair in that ribbon helps her think" he told me and I nodded.

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