Movies and Peru

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"I just thought it would be nice to get out and see a movie, I need more exciting things in my life, and I think it's because my life is boring" the old lady said infront of us. "Yes, uh well enjoy the show ma'am. Dr. Montgomery!" The ticket booth man exclaimed happy to see his friend, his awkward expression turning into a happy one. "Hello old chap! Two adults three minors" Monty told the elderly man. "I'm giving you the verified Film Discount" The ticket keeper said. "Ah lovely" Monty said. After getting the tickets we went inside the theater. I was excited to see my first movie in a theatre, I've never been in one before. "Hey some popcorn actually sounds delicious I get popcorn for me and for all of us. My treat" Father said in his dumb accent. "Really" Monty asked not believing him, and I wasn't either at his sudden generosity. "Yes, you go. Go take a seat" Stephano said shewing us away with his hand. "Come in children" Dr. Montgomery said leading us away. "Seventh row, right of center, that is the best place" Monty said leading us down the isle. "That's what our mother always said" Violet said. "Who do you think taught it to me. You know kids I am so happy to be seeing a movie with you. Your parents would be so very proud. I know they would" Monty responded, as we all took a seat. It was Monty, Klaus, Me, and then Violet and Sunny. "For seeing a movie" Klaus asked. "There's more to a movie than just a movie. Just like a book can contain crucial secrets about the world of snakes, or it can be used to prop open a refrigerator door when your airing it out" Monty explained. "Huh" Sunny asked confused, taking the words right out of our mouths. "What my sister really means, is that I'm not sure we're really following you" Violet said. "Ah theres so much to learn. Unfortunately some of that learning is going to have to be delayed tonight. Because of you know who" Monty said noticing that Count Olaf has arrived. "Promise me this. If I leave during the showing, you will not act as if anything is amiss, but you'll keep your eyes on that fraud Stephano" Monty quickly added. "I got the popcorn" Stephano said. "This one is for me, and this one is for the rest of you" He said keeping the big bowl for himself and giving the mini one to us. "Oh...your generosity is noted Stephano" Monty said in disappointment and sarcasm. "My name is not, uh....nothing but Stephano" Count Olaf sang out realizing his stupid mistake. The room began to darken and the curtains opened revealing the screen. "This movie is weird" I said quietly more to myself then anyone else. "Yeah no kidding" Klaus said responding to my statement with a slight chuckle causing me to look at him. "Shhh" The lady behind us yelled at us causing us to both to turn around to face our silencer. We made eye contact again and we broke out in giggles, for no reason what so ever. "If the movies in English why are there English subtitles" Klaus questioned Monty. "All the best movies have subtitles" Monty whispered back. Klaus tried to ask him something else but was shhhhed away. "Klaus, Eleanor, haven't we seen that actress before" Violet asked us. "I don't think we've seen anything like this before", Klaus joked back, although he was honest. I looked closer at the women Violet was talking about and I noticed she did look rather familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it. Father got up from his seat and started blocking the view of the movie for Dr. Monty. "Should I go this way" Olaf started and began an argument with Montgomery on which way he should go. I continued to watch the movie and could help but wonder who came up with movies such as this one. Like seriously! A hand shot up from underneath the pile of snow causing Klaus to jump up from his seat and the little popcorn he held to go everywhere. "Aw did you get scared" I teased him causing his cheeks to turn a little pink. "Shut up" he said embarrassed and I could help but think it was adorable. Senior Olaf came back and sat down once again in his seat. "I am going to need to excuse myself. Nature calls. Stephano, would you be so kind as to keep an eye on the children" Monty asked. But before anyone could say anything the reptile lover sprang out of his seat and practically ran out of the room. "Steohano" got up to go follow him but then We remembered what Monty said about keeping an eye on the criminal. "Wait, Dr. Montgomery said to keep an eye on us" Klaus told Count Olaf, grabbing his arm. "We're to young to be in a theatre alone" Violet continued. "You never know what dangerous people could be in a theatre" I finished with an innocent face. Olaf took his arm out of Klaus's hand and grumpily walked back to his seat.

The movie finally finished and as soon as it did Olaf started complaining. "Hey where's Monty" I asked tired of Fathers yapping, noticing the still missing herpetologist. "He never came back" Violet answered which made us all grow a sense of worry. We quickly got out of the room and started searching for him. "What's this your guardian has disappeared. Dear me. Dear me" Olaf said pretending to be innocent. "What did you do to him" I asked knowing that Monty's disappearance wasn't by coincidence. It just couldn't have been, not while he is here. The villain grabbed us by our collars and dragged us out of the place through the back door. "Ah this is just terrible. Four helpless children all alone in the world. What ever shall we do next" Father said. A figure emerged from behind the car, clearing away our worry with relief. The person was none other than Dr. Montgomery Montgomery. "Drive home Of course" Monty said with a shrug. "Monty"-"Your here"-"Your ok" Violet, Klaus, and I said at the same time rushing to the Doctor. And it was in that second we completely forgot about Count Olaf behind us. "Hello children. Its been a long night and we have a very busy day tomorrow. Did you enjoy the movie" Monty asked. "It was unusual" Klaus answered. "Uh it will require some further explanation. Wait in the car Baudelaires. I have some unfinished business with Stephano" Monty said and a feeling of tension arose in the air. "Will you be ok" Klaus asked uncertain. "Of course. I am your gaurdian it is my job, and my delight night I add to keep you safe" Monty answered. "Run along" Monty said. I looked back at Father and we met eye contact, an unfamiliar look showed in his eyes that I couldn't quite detect. As we began walking away I didn't know how to feel. I was scared for Monty in a way. The Baudelaires and I went inside the car and peeked through the window trying to see what Olaf and Monty were doing. "Can you hear what they're saying" Violet asked us. "No" I said back with a sigh. "I hope he's telling Count Olaf that his plot is foiled and he's done for" Klaus said rather fast. After a few minutes Count Olaf walked away and Monty came back into the car. "Well children that terrible man will never bother us again" Monty said as we drove away to our home. "You mean"-"That's right. I confronted him and threw him out of our lives forever. The authorities are on their way" Monty said rather pleased with himself. "And were just leaving him there in the parking lot" Klaus asked. And as his words dawned to me a frown set its self on my lips. "Under the watchful eye of a very capable ticket seller. Besides if he does slip away..."-"Again" Violet interrupted Monty. "Well it's none of our concern. We will be far, far away from here. Baudelaires, mini Olaf we are not going to spend the season in a research laboratory." Monty said.
"We are off to Peru"

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