Death of the Doctor

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"Eleanor wake up!" Someone said as I felt myself being shaken. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Klaus. "Klaus" I questioned looking at him confused. I looked outside to see it was morning. Where's Dr. Montgomery, he always wakes us up, always. I quickly got out of bed and sprinted to the the stair case and Klaus followed me. Violet was already almost down the staircase. "Monty!" "Uncle Monty!" "Dr Montgomery!" We all shouted calling for our beloved guardian. Violet went into the reptile room and we chased after her. "Uncle Monty" Klaus called out. "Are you in here" Violet questioned. I looked around the room and saw in-front of us Monty was sitting in his chair his back faced against us. But he wasn't moving or answering. The three of us slowly walked up to him, going infront of his chair. "Oh no" I gasped loudly. Monty was dead. His face had dark veins shows, one of his eyes were blue, and you could feel the cold of his body radiating off of him. He was murdered. "Monty" Klaus said not wanting it to be true. "How could this have happened" Klaus asked. "We know exactly how this happened" Violet said, beginning to cry. I felt my own eyes begin to tear up. "My my my my my. What a terrible accident. Whoever discovers this will be very upset. 'For in that sleep of death what dreams may come" Olaf said his voice changing from Stephano's to his real one. "You murdered him. How could you do something like this" I asked. Choking down a sob. Klaus's hand found mine, and I gave it a squeeze trying to comfort him. Monty didn't deserve this, he should have lived a long happy life. "Why Eleanor I'm surprised. I thought you were smart enough to be able to figure out that jolly old Uncle Monty died from a snakebite not murder. Look at the teeth marks on his cheek. Look at his cold waxy face. Look at his unblinking eyes" Olaf said chuckling softly practically enjoying this making me feel sick. "Stop it, stop talking like that" Violet snapped at him not being able to take Olaf's words any longer. "Your right there's no time for chitchat. We have a ship to catch and I'd like to board in time to have a bottle of wine before lunch. Peru. We're going to Peru" Count Olaf sneered pulling out tickets out of thin air. "We wouldn't go to the end of the drive way with you much less international water" Violet told the vile man. "Well then I guess I'll have to take my own luggage" father picked up his luggage and shook it. Turning his back he walked to the door and hit his bag at the wall. A cry which wasn't meant to be there came out of the bag. "Sunny" Klaus yelled out for his baby sister. "Let her out this instant" Violet yelled as we ran out the door to save the baby Baudelaire. "She won't be able to breath" Klaus added. "She'll die if you keep her locked up in there" I rushed out as we neared the car. "I'm so tired of having to explain everything to you. Your're supposed to be so smart, and yet you persistently seem to forget about this" Father said taking out a big knife causing us to back up. "I'll leave some breathing holes for her" Olaf said and then began stabbing the suitcase with Sunny in it. "No"-"Don't"-"Stop" Klaus Violet and I cried out at the same time for their younger sister. "I'm kidding that's not the suitcase she's in. I don't think" Olaf said. "Please don't hurt her" Violet begged. "Then get in the car" Count Olaf said. The three of us got inside the car and waited. "Really there's no one to blame but yourselves. If you hadn't stranded me at the movies, I wouldn't have had to kill Monty and we'd all be on our way to Peru, where I would have had to kill Monty" Father said having trouble starting the car. "God I hate driving sticks" He complained. "We cant just leave Monty there like that" I said. "Trust me he won't mind. Of course, after they discover he's dead, you'll be long gone, and I'll be taking advantage of Peru's extremely lax guardianship laws" Olaf said driving away. "You can't take us out of the Country...Can he?" Klaus asked us. "And who's going to stop me" Olaf said turning to us. I looked at him and then looked back to the front of the car and screamed. Father swerved the car around and hit one of the snake bushes in order to not hit the car in front of us. He screamed a girly scream and the snake came crashing down on the car breaking the window into a million pieces. Can I just say that I've never been happier to be in a car accident. The Baudelaires and I ran out of the car taking the chance to get away from Count Olaf.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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