Meeting the Baudelaires

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It was a normal day in this terrible house. But today was going to be a little different. You see my dreadful father by blood not heart, adopted three rich orphans. To be exact the Baudelaires. There was two girls and a boy as I heard. I did want to meet them but as much as I want them to get a home, I don't want them to get one here. I don't see how anyone besides Count Olaf can call this home. And yes before you can say anything he is my father. Suddenly the door bell rang, they were here. I was on my way downstairs to answer the doorbell when suddenly I was pushed out of the way by my father who was practicing how he was going to say hello, which I found very weird and funny. I accidentally lost my footing and fell down the stairs as soon as Olaf, opened the door. "Ow"
I mumbled under my breath wincing as I got up. Well that was embarrassing, I do hope no one saw me.
I looked up to see a girl older then me by maybe a year or two, a boy that looked my age, and a very cute baby, along with a man in a suit and hat. "Seriously Eleanor, now is not the time to be clumsy" said father. Normally I would have glared back but we had people over, and this was new to me. The only people I normally saw was Father's theater troupe. I looked at the children again to see the boy staring at me. I started blushing and looked down at my feet now finding them rather interesting. I started zoning out until there was a long loud obnoxious cough. I couldn't help but griminess. Next thing I new Olaf was kicking the man in the suite or in other words Mr. Poe out of the house.
He started walking to the Baudelaires and came right up to them. "Well children, before I give you a tour of your new home, aren't you going to say how do you do? To your new guardian" Count asked.
"How do you do" Violet replied.
Count Olaf started growling at them.
"How do I do? Better and better Baudelaires better and better" father spat out.
That's when he got out the chores list. Typical. He then showed them around the house. First the kitchen, then the library, the ballroom, the laundry room which was filled with dirty underwear, to the haunting back yard. And soon to follow bathroom number seven. Last but not least their bed room.
I new my father would make them get to work as soon as possible so I decided to help them out. While they were working on the bathroom and ballroom I cleaned the kitchen. When I finished I left a note for them, it said.

Dear Baudelaires,
I know you have a lot of chores and to quicken time I decided to help out. Cross out the kitchen chores out will you. I hope I can introduce my self later, but for now good luck.

I felt bad for them, they lost everything and are now stuck with a man that only cares about their fortune. Anf that man will certainly not ever get there fortune. I heard the front door close and I got really curious. So I decided to go see who it was, and when I looked out the window I saw the three siblings going to our neighbors house.

Hour skip to Baudelaires coming back from market

I was all the way at the top of the stairs when I saw the theater troupe singing a terrible song along with Count Olaf. I made sure I stayed hidden so I could laugh the whole time with out being caught. I left in the middle of the song to go back to my room. I just stayed there, sitting on my bed, and just starred into space. About 10 minutes later the man with the hooks for hands barged into my room and told me dinner was ready. I quietly got up from my bed and went down stairs to the dinning room. Everyone was already seated and waiting. I wasn't in the mood to eat, so I just sat at the table.
"When are we going to eat" father screamed. "Dinner is served" said the boy whose name I don't know yet sadly.
"That was fast" said the bald man. "And it smells delicious" replied the man with hooks for hands, but quickly growled when count Olaf gave him a look with a scowl. The three siblings went around and gave everyone there food but when they came to me I gave them a small smile and a quite no thank you. I looked around At the troupe, they all are very messy. "Where's the roast beef?" asked father. "What?" Violet asked, they gave him confused faces. "The roast beef" said Olaf slowly and more clear thinking they would understand. "We didn't make any roast beef, we made puatinasca sauce" said violet. "And homemade noodles" finished the boy. "What no roast beef" spat count. "You didn't tell us you wanted roast beef" spat back the boy. "Look at my guest, they can hardly touch this revolting foreign food" said Count Olaf. Everyone spat out there food but then started eating it again. I was beyond disgusted. "In agreeing to adopt you, I became your father, and as your father I am not someone to be trifold with" father got up and spat angry. The troupe started making remarks on children which I found very stupid. Father being father still wanted roast beef so he carried on with the argument. "We don't have any, we have pasta putenesca" said Violet now getting aggravated. "And chocolate pudding for dessert" said the little one. That's when dad took The baby from Violet and carried her in the air. I gasped in fright hopping he wouldn't drop her. But he put her down a few seconds later due to being heavy. I heard Violet saying the baby's name. So Violet, Sunny, and mystery boy. Mystery boy started arguing with "our" father and wouldn't stop. That was a bad idea and before I knew it the boy fell to the floor with a hard loud slap on the face. Everyone quickly left after that, but I couldn't bring my self to move. "Are you alright" Violet asked the boy, "no this isn't"said the boy. "What?" Said the eldest girl.
"Better then nothing" replied the boy. I didn't know what to do.
I walked over to them. "I have some stuff to help with the pain if you want" I told them. They all looked up at me. "I'm Eleanor" I said when they didn't say anything. "I'm Violet and these are my siblings Klaus and Sunny if you didn't know already" said Violet. I gave a current nod. I got up and started walking out of the room. "Well are you coming or not" I asked them when I noticed they weren't following. They followed me up the stairs and to there room. "Stay here I'll be back in one second" I said. I ran to my room and back to theirs. I saw Klaus sitting on the bed, and sat next to him. He looked at me confused. "This may just hurt a little when I put the cream on to help with the pain" I told him. He only nodded. I look some of the cream on my finger and lightly put it on his red mark. He winced at first but then got over it. I looked over it making sure it was ok before I took my hand off his face. After that I gave him an ice pack to put on his face, he seemed to get the idea and room the ice pack. "Thank you" klaus said with a smile. "Are you ok?" I asked klaus. "I'm fine" he said but you could tell he was lying by the look in his eyes. "Are you ok?" Asked Klaus, I stared at him confused. "I saw you fall down the stairs" he said with concern in his voice. I blushed at that embarrassed, I thought no one saw me...well at least I hoped. "I'm fine thank you" I said. "How did you end up here, with Count Olaf" questioned Violet. "Oh see he's my biological father" I replied. Their eyes went wide. "Your his daughter!" Said Klaus. "Apparently" I said back. "How can you live here" asked Sunny in her baby talk but I new what she meant. "You get used to it after a while, after all I've been living here since birth" I told them. "I don't think I would ever be able to get used to this" said Klaus. I gave him a sad smile. "Let's just hope you do then" I said back. "Goodnight Baudelaires, sleep well" I wished them off, got up from the bed, and went to my room. I fell asleep that night thinking about Sunny, Violet, and Klaus Baudelaire.

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