Chapter 21.

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• Twenty One : Disaster Strikes •

January 4th 2018;

I wait patiently for the receptionist to finish on the phone, quietly humming to myself as I pick at my acrylic nails, trying to decide when I'll need to get them done again. My nails have a tendency to grow quite quickly, and before you know at these nails are going to be like claws.

It is officially 2018 and I can honestly say that I have never had such a great New Years before in my life. Not only did Niall and I enter this brand new year locking lips and so totally in love, but I was shocked when he surprised me with my two best friends in the whole world and a girl who I absolutely adore and in my eyes see her as a younger sister. Louis' siblings, Dan, and Debbie also accompanied them.

You got that right. That boy went out of his way to ensure that I entered the new year surrounded by every single person I loved. His exact words were 'I have everyone around me that I love, I want you to have the same.' I swear, he constantly find ways to make me love him more and more.

According to Niall, not only do his family always arrange a massive Christmas party, but also a New Year one - both events are held in Dublin, just in separate venues. I'm guessing you can imagine the look on my face when I entered to not only a beautifully decorated party venue, but also with everyone I love - and by greeted I mean Caitlin came flying towards me, jumping straight into my arms nearly knocking me flying to the floor. Niall was was quick to grab my waist however and steady us before I went plummeting to the ground and also embarrassment.

Since then, everyone has all returned home to England whilst Niall and I are still here in Ireland, enjoying his beautiful little home town. My mam, brothers, and sister are still here too, and aren't heading back to London until the 10th, which I'm relatively happy about. I'm enjoying Niall, Mollie, Rory, Theo and I's little days out a lot. We like to take them to the park, or just into town to see if there's anything nice in the January sales. I guess I just appreciate getting to spend so much time with them, especially considering how much of Mollie's early years I missed - I'm glad I'm getting this opportunity to experience them all with Rory.

"Are you alright?" the receptionist interrupts me from my thoughts. She offers me a warming smile as I look at her. "Are you looking to join?"

I shake my head, stepping forward towards the desk. "I just want to know if I can use a room for an hour or two. I'll pay for it," I reach into my bag for my purse.

"No, no honey. You can use studio two for two hours, then there'll be a dance class in there," she tells me, kindly. I thank her, placing my purse back in my bag as I make my way down the long hallway towards the set of double doors at the end with a rectangle shape plaque above with the words 'Studio 2' engraved in a matte black font.

As I enter the large dance room, a smile instantly grows on my face as my eyes take in the beautifully decorated studio - the amazing and vibrant colourful walls and decorations; a number of bean bags and a little table over in one corner, obviously for the dancers to take a break. It's just so pretty and whoever designed it definitely has an eye for detail.

Who knew the little town of Mullingar would have such a nice dance studio? In fact, this town has a lot more to offer than you'd expect, and this is coming from the girl who grew up in a similar setting and found her little town boring. I used to hate the fact that there were fields and mountains everywhere I looked. I used to hate the awful smell of manure. I used to hate the fact that there was rarely anything to do and got bored easily, but when I moved to London, after awhile it got to the point where I began to miss all of that.

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