Chapter 20.

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• Twenty : Promise what? •

December 25th 2017;

"We missed him last year since he didn't make it home, but how about we get Niall to come up and sing for us?" I quickly retract my face from him just as we were about to kiss, to see everyone in the room looking towards us.

"Don't leave me," I plead, in a soft voice. Having only been here the short time of forty minutes, I have to admit I haven't exactly had the opportunity to meet many people yet. Sure, many have glanced my way, questioning looks on their faces as if to ask who the hell I was and why I was on Niall's arm, but still, no formal introductions.

Niall stands up with a smirk etched upon his face, outstretching his arm for me to take his hand. Confused, but trusting of him, I cautiously take it, allowing him to pull me to a stand. I stumble as my foot catches on one of the foots of the table, Niall quickly grabbing a hold of my waist to steady me.

"Niall, don't," I warn as he begins pulling me towards the front, towards the stage. "Don't you dare," I say, however he simply ignores me, refusing to loosen his grasp on my hand as I try to pull it from him. It's either I continue to walk, or fall on my face with him dragging me along, which would be even more embarrassing.

I keep my face directed at the floor, refusing to look up at the mass of people, consisting of Niall's family and friends as we walk past them, some even having to move to let us through. Not only do I not know them, but it actually matters to me what they think of me. I mean, I love his mam and dad, and their partners, but even his granny etc, I care about her opinion. It really matters to me that the man I loves family accepts me.

"It's been awhile," he chuckles into the microphone as he takes it from the man. "Sorry I wasn't home last year, I was in LA with this one," I peak at him in the corner of my eye, because whilst that's not technically a lie, because we were together in LA last Christmas, we weren't actually together - if I remember correctly, the two of us were taking distance from each other to rid ourselves of feelings, yet still managed to wound up in the same bed on Christmas and New Year's night.

"Anyways, this beautiful girl right here, is Freya, my girlfriend, which probably comes as the biggest shock to most of you, but what can I say, one look at her and I was gone," I blush, biting my lip as a few people aw, others whistle (his friends), and the majority of the room clap. "And I'd really like it if she sung with me," I shake my head at him, pouting and subtly making my way to the steps. He grabs my waist, pulling me back.

"Ah, ah, ah, no you don't."

"Please don't make me do this, Ni," I mumble, pouting my bottom lip out at him. "Please, I hate singing," I lie. I absolutely love singing, and music in general - many genres. Shawn Mendes, James Arthur, Chris Brown etc. I just hate the whole aspect of singing in front of others. Maybe some day I'll build that confidence, but right now I just don't feel good enough. I've never been good with the whole idea of public speaking. Quite frankly, it terrifies me. I'm an extremely shy person at times, especially with people I'm unfamiliar with.

A small, yet loving smile spreads across Niall's lips, as he nods his head. "Go sit with our mam's," he mumbles in my ear, his eyes showing that he's realised just how terrified I actually am with the concern in them. Maybe if I had a few more drinks in me, but right now I'm about ten drinks away from my alcohol confidence boost.

I give Niall a smile as I lean in, pecking his cheek before quickly walking off the stage and away from being the centre of attention of everyone in the room. My mam, brother, Ava (his fiancée) and Maura all greet me as I reach them, however keep their eyes on Niall as he accepts a guitar, and a stool set in place for him to sit on.

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