1.On Set Romance

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오1. On Set Romance

What we have here is irreplaceable
No, I won't trade this for nothing

6 Months Earlier

We pushed through the door, his mouth wet and hot on my neck as he covered it with kisses.

My jacket was thrown off before he pushed me against the wall, attacking my lips with his.

My leg wrapped around his waist while his hand dragged up my leg, caressing my thigh, before pressing it against him as he went higher up my skirt, the heel of my shoe digging into the back of his leg.

I gasped when he pushed his prominent erection against me, squeaking in surprise and biting his lip in retaliation when I felt his hand on my ass.

We pulled apart when I tugged on his sweater to pull it off, gasping for breath as we stared into each other's eyes.

His hand held my face, his fingers caressing my cheekbones, as I watched the rainbow of emotion cross through his deep green eyes.

"Sweetheart," he whispered. "I need you. I can't wait any longer."

"Have me," I whispered against his lips as he dragged the strap of my tank down my shoulder, breaking his lips from mine, to kiss down my neck and across my collarbone.

He kept me panting as he kissed lower, brushing his lips across the top of my breasts and making me shiver at the thought of what those lips would feel like on the rest of my body.

"Cut!" the director yelled, breaking me out of my lust-induced daze, and forcing me to focus on what was going on around me, and more so, who was wrapped around me.

"Jon," I murmured, pushing his face away from my cleavage and forcing him to look up at me.

"What?" he asked, looking confused as to why I stopped him.

"Eric yelled cut, Jon. You can let go of me now," I said, motioning to the hand he had on my ass, holding me against him.

"What if I don't want to?" Jon asked as he smirked, pulling me tighter against him to feel the bulge in his jeans.

"Don't even go there, Jon," I told him as I pushed him off me, turning away from him to hide the blush on my face.

When I looked up, I saw the raised eyebrow of our director.

"That was great," Eric said, clapping his hands together. "Try to tone it down a bit, don't get so handsy, this is supposed to be both of your first times. We don't want it to look raunchy," Eric added.

"Sure thing, sir," Jon said as he nodded, winking at me when he saw me looking at him, causing me to roll my eyes. "Of course, if Ms. Minaj wanted to practice, I'd be more than happy to practice with her," Jon said.

"Not on your life, buddy." I scoffed, turning my head away from him, so he couldn't see how much I would love to 'practice' with him.

Stop it! My mind continued to yell at me. Jon was not someone I could get involved with, especially when I heard about his past.

"Alright, break for a few minutes, get your make-up redone, and be back here in fifteen. We're going to reshoot this," Eric told us, walking away before giving any of us a chance to respond.

"I was serious about practicing Onika since we just met and all; I think it would be great to try to work on our chemistry and get to know each other," Jon said, sounding surprisingly profound.

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