4.Somebody Else

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But you a lucky nigga if my mean ass like ya
You ain't never have a bitch understand you
Most of them wanna use you when they ran through

"Ever since I left the city," there was power to Aubrey's voice as he hit those last notes. It almost sounded like he was going to continue — but no, that was it.

It was a moment before Onika clapped, but when she did, she did it loud. "Amazing sound!" she enthused, and she meant it, mostly.

Something about the way Aubrey was gazing at her was making her feel weirdly uncomfortable — even though they were such good friends. "What you say you call it again, Hotline...?"

"Bling," he finished for her, his eyes red around the edges and through the veins. She wondered if he was high, but she couldn't smell anything on him but minty fresh raspberry cologne.

"Hotline Bling," Onika repeated.

"Yup," Aubrey said.

"Well, I love it!" Onika exclaimed as she smiled, more trying to be nice than actually commenting on the song right now.

Aubrey looked like he needed some cheering up.

"Was it about somebody still bothering you?" Onika asked him as she got up from her chair, her stomach prickling as she wondered if she could do anything to help.

She'd be glad to supply a few drinks, hugs, advice, and some snacks.

Aubrey was a sensitive man, and though that made him often a target of ridicule, it could be a very good thing — except when it came to heartbreak.

"Onika, that..." Aubrey paused briefly, his eyes earnest and shining. "I didn't just preform it for feedback, I... that song was for you," Aubrey said.

"Aww," Onika began at first (how sweet of him to write a song for her!), then she paused as a gulp of air caught abruptly in her throat. Wait. It was for her? As in about her? "Wait, I used to call you on your cell phone?" She asked him.

Late night when you need my love. "Wait, what? Aubrey, we ain't never had phone sex."

"I..." he looked confused for a second, then shook his head quickly, a dazed air still glowing in his eyes. "I said love, not lust."

"Is the song about friendship type of love?" Onika's voice was slow. She didn't want to be hard on him, but... doing things I taught you, getting nasty for someone else? How the hell exactly could this be about her? Had she somehow lead him on some type of way? When? How? It wasn't registering.

"...No?" Aubrey's voice was a question, but he fell to his knees, his eyes glinting like tiny dwarf stars in the low light. "Onika, I love you," Aubrey confessed to Onika.

Onika's smile faded as Aubrey confessed his love for her through the song. She shook her head, heartbeat quickening.

"Aubrey, you're like my little brother. I love you as family, nothing more," she said gently.

Though his eyes shone earnestly, she knew romance between them wasn't possible.

She cared for him deeply, but not in that way. Onika hoped Aubrey would understand without too much hurt. She treasured their friendship and didn't want anything to damage it. Still, rejecting him felt awkward.

Wanting to exit gracefully, Onika made her excuses and left, mind spinning with concern and care for her dear friend.

"Girl, he brought me to the studio to play he song that he write about me then confess that he so call in love with me like wasn't he at the vma telling the world he in love with Robyn but you dating Jennifer like I'm not stupid." I said on the phone with Beyonce.

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