7.All Eyes On You

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Baby, is you drunk, is you had enough?
Are you here lookin' for love?
Got the club goin' crazy
All these bitches, but my eyes on you
Is you somebody's baby?
If you ain't, girl what we gon' do?
If you, we gon' need it, baby
Give it all up for you right now
We got the club goin' crazy
All eyes on you

"Hey, Nicki!" I turned around and saw some guy with on of those headphones. I guess he worked for the award show.

"Yes, how can I help you?" I said.

"Did you come alone?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Great, you're supposed to walk down the carpet with Dean Ambrose." He said as he pointed to Jon, who was being interviewed at the moment.

"You guys have to seat together and be around each throughout the event." He added.

"But-" I was about to say but he interrupted me.

"Your up on the carpet in a few minutes, so go!" He said. I sighed and walked through the crowd of people. Mostly, assistants, photographers, and PR teams. I finally reached him.

"Excuse me." I said as Jon turned around with a smike on his face.

"Hey baby, I was just informed that you and I have to go down the red carpet together." He said smirking. I nodded in response because I didn't get a chance to say anything  because our names got called.

I wrapped my arm around his. We started walking down the carpet, stopping at the x on the floor to take pictures.

I started posing

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I started posing. Jon looked a little uncomfortable so I started posing in front of him wrapping his arms around me. After doing a few pictures together we headed to the next spot on the carpet. I got really close to him and placed my hand on his chest. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

He leaned closer to my ear and whispered,
"All eyes on you."

I smiled and said "My eyes are on you."

"So, are you having a good time? Do you fix everything with Onika?" Beyonce asked after Joe brought her something to drink.

"Yeah, it's nice here. Thanks for making me come. And no, I haven't." I answered.

"Oh, really? Well, I need you to go over there and fix it everything with my best friend because she's been feeling like shit this past week because of you ignoring her. I saw how y'all were looking at each other on the carpet." Beyonce said.

"Yeah, I know I'm working on it." I said.

"Just be safe and use protection. Blue and Jojo don't need anymore babies around them." Joe said next to Bey.

"Joe, are you serious? You think I plan on doing something with her tonight?" I asked.

"Well, why not?" Beyonce asked.

"I don't want her to think I fixed everything just to have sex." I answered.

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry." Joe said.

"You go over to her. She's looking lonely and her ex is here so you need to keep her away from them before I go h-town all over his ass if he comes near her." Beyonce said which made me scared because I remembered one time Bey went crazy on Galina and it was not a pretty site.

I nodded and walked away from the couple. I walked up to Onika and touched her shoulder. She looked up at me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks." She answered.

"Are you sure? You don't look like it." I said.

"It's just my ex is here and he's been throwing shade at me on social media and I don't think I can stand being in the same room as him, right now." She said.

"Okay, first, what's shade? And second, we could go somewhere else if you want." I said.

"You don't know what shade is, really? Why am I not surprised? Okay, shade is acting in a casual or disrespectful manner towards someone or dissing a friend. Throwing shade, acting kinda shady." She explained.

"I think I need another definition." I said.

"A light comment with slight disrespect towards an individual. Like when I threw shade at Miley Cyrus in released a clip of my remix of Yo Gotti's track Down in the DM. I rap, 'I said Miley, wuss good. I said could you pay my bills like O'Reilly, wuss good? I just sit back and observe.' That's throwing shade." She said.

"Oh okay, that makes sense but really he isn't very mature if his throwing shade at you." I said.

"He's just a fuck boy." She said.

"Do you wanna go home now?" I asked.

She smiled at me and nodded.

"Come on then." I said.

We headed to the exit and as we walked out a lot of flashes attacked us. I put my hand on her waist trying to get her through the large crowd of paparazzi.

"Are you guys dating?" One asked.

"Nicki, are you pregnant?" Another one asked.

"Dean, do you plan on winning the title?" Another one asked.

"Nicki, will we see you in the ring anytime soon?" Another one asked which made us laugh.

"Are you guys engaged?" Another one asked.

"Nicki, Dean, are you guys going to appear on Total Divas?" Another one asked.

"Dude, that show is for the women who work for the WWE. Nicki is not a wrestler. Ask a better question next time." I said as we got to my car. I opened the passenger side door helping her get in. I jogged over to the driver seat door and got in the car. I started the car and drove away from the madness called the paparazzi as quick as possible.

"So I'll drop you off then I'll go to the hotel for the night." I said. She giggled and I smiled at her cute laugh.

"No, you can stay with me." She said.

I thought about it. I wanted to say no, but then I thought about how I needed to talk to her about why I was ignoring her.

"Yeah, sure." I said agreeing.

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