6.Same Place

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You've got your chains wrapped around me so tight
Give me enough just to keep me alive
I try to run but it hurts every time, I try
Lord I try and I can't say no

"Remind me why you dragged me down here," I complained, pulling into the mall parking lot. Beyonce turned the car off, but made no effort to get out. The security team was already outside surrendering the car.

"Because..." She said, trying to figure out an excuse. "Didn't you say you wanted some new shoes for that red carpet event?"

"I can get shoes anywhere," I replied smirking.

Beyonce rolled her eyes. I then smiled at her. "Maybe I just wanted to spend time with my best friend since Raw has Joe booked for the entire week and I bored staying home with blue."

"That sounds more like an accurate excuse," I grinned. She pinched me. The sting lasted for a few seconds. "Let's go ahead and get inside this torture chamber so we can leave." I said.

I laughed and opened the door, stepping out. It was the second week of winter but it was scorching outside. I wore some white shorts and a white tank-top. Beyonce grabbed my hand and we walked across the parking lot towards the entrance to the food court with security following us.

We entered the cool mall and were making our way towards a table.

I sat down in front of her. "Do you think you would ever take a break?" She asked.

"I don't know. I probably would." I said.

"Maybe, you should take a break from work and come and watch a live show with me." She said.

"A live show of what?" I asked.

"A live show of Raw or Smackdown." She answered.

"Chile, I'm not going to no live show to watch wrestling." I said.

"But you'll love it." She said.

"If you say so." I said rolling my eyes.

She got up from her seat. "I'm just giving you a hard time." We stood, side by side, contemplating where to eat. "So, where do you want to eat, Nika?"

"No idea," I shrugged. "You?"

"No idea," she agreed.

I clicked my tongue, looking at the names of the restaurants. I was contemplating between Chinese or pizza. "I'm kind of in the mood for Chinese."

We walked over to the Chinese place and I ordered what I wanted. Beyonce got the same. We had almost the same appetite. I was about to get out my wallet, but Beyonce's hand covered mine and she handed the cashier a twenty-dollar bill.

"Bey-" I began to protest, but she shushed me.

She chuckled at my expression. "Let me get it."

"That's not-" I started, but she cut me off again.

Beyonce shook her head, grabbing the change and placing it in my hand. "There. You can keep the change." I grabbed my food and drink, sighing. She wasn't taking no for an answer. I walked over to where we sat earlier and took a bite of my meat.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked when she sat down.

I looked up at her. "No." I said

"I know you like paying, but I felt like being a good best friend and paying for your lunch." She said.

I started laughing. She raised an eyebrow. I grabbed a couple noodles off my plate and threw them onto her tray. "You're a great best friend, BeyBey! You don't need to buy my food to prove it." I said.

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