14.Moving In

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Never lie
I go to the edge of the light every time for you
Just do what you need, and I know that it's golden
Just take what you want, and leave what you don't
Let the world sink in and stick to your bones

Dean opened the door to his loft and followed Nicki in, they had come back from having a lovely meal together. Nicki had decided to keep it simple and they had headed to an Italian place just down the road. While Nicki went and sat down on the couch and took off her heels, Dean went into the kitchen and returned with 2 wine glasses and a bottle of wine.

"So may I offer you a drink?" He asked suggestively.

"You know, if I weren't so alert I'd think you were trying to get me drunk." She replied.

Dean shook his head. "Even after all these years you doubt me." He said.

"Well you've never given me reason not too." She said.

Dean opened his mouth, then he closed it again.

"Can't think of anything?" She laughed at him.

"What about….no….oh I know!…no not that either." He said.

He sat down next to her and tried to think. "I'm sure I have."

"Okay then I believe you." She ginned at him and took a glass. "Now is this wine going to pour itself?"

"You never know Nicki it just might." He laughed and reached for his own glass and poured them each some wine.

They sat in silence for a few moment before he turned to her. "Nicki, I want to ask you something."

She turned and looked at him. "Okay then go ahead."

"Well I've been thinking for awhile now…" He started to say.

"Ouch, not a good start." Nicki chuckled slightly.

"Yeah I know." Dean grinned at her. "Well I want you to move in with me and Seth." he said.

Nicki sat there unsure of what to say, a huge part of her was screaming to say yes. But there was another part of her wanting to say no and she didn't understand why.

"Dean…" She began but couldn't say anything else.

"Now I don't want an immediate answer okay?" He took her empty hand. "I want you to think about it. I've spoken to Seth and he says he happy with it besides he'll mostly be at Rih's house anyway, also I've decide to make some points as to why you should move in." He said.

Nicki was now intrigued. "What would some of these points include?" She asked.

He grinned and put his wine glass on the table, he then took hers and set in next to his. He leaned and smiled at her.

"For starters I'd be able to do this whenever I wanted." He replied.

He the slowly lowered his head to hers and kissed her softly. One of his hands went to her waist and the other ran his fingers through her hair. He slowly lay her back and his hands were everywhere as if it were the first time he had touched her.

Her hands went to his shoulders and she took of the jacket he was wearing tossing it on the floor. She then untucked his shirt and one of his hands trailed under the shirt she was wearing. Just as she began to unbutton his shirt a noise stopped her dead in her tracks.

The door to the house opened and Seth walked in unaware of what was happening. He shut the door and turned around.

"Whoa! Oh my god!" His hands shot to his eyes. "Seriously guys, you have a room you know!"

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