2.Your Mind

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오2. Your Mind

Feel your desperation
Unleash all your fear
Let me be your motivation
Let's grind to the beat
Of our burning bodies
How I can read your mind


"Nicki! Nicki! Look over here!"

Onika turned and smiled at the dozens of cameras, giving them her signature poses. Her eyes had long grown used to their bright flashes.

Onika's publiclist moved her along down the red carpet towards the interviewers.

"Nicki!" a woman in a short black dress called, waving her over.

Onika walked over and shook the woman's hand.

"Hello," Onika greeted the woman with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Gabby from Hollywood Insider," Gabby told Onika.

Onika nodded. "Nice to meet you, Gabby," Onika said.

Gabby then turned back to the cameramen before them. "This is Gabby bringing you Nicki Minaj from the red carpet premiere for the must-see movie of the year, '12 Rounds 3: Lockdown.' Tell us, Nicki, what makes 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown better than all the movies before it? Why isn't it just another action movie?" Gabby asked, shoving a glittery mic in Onika's face.

Onika smiled at the camera. "Well, Gabby," she said. "12 Rounds 3: Lockdown is a classical action movie, except everything is better. From the buildings, we filmed in to the gun I carried, captured a lifestyle. And I'm in it so I felt like...well, a badass," Onika answered with a small laugh.

Gabby nodded. "Who are you wearing tonight?" she asked. "That dress looks stunning on you!"

Onika stepped back and twirled. "Saint West," Onika answered.

Her red carpet outfit was a feminine twist to a menswear-inspired ensemble in a toffee-hued tuxedo dress. Her hair was soft and wavy and done in curls.

"One more question everyone's dying to know. What's up with you and costar Dean Ambrose? Are the rumors true?" Gabby asked eagerly.

Onika hated this question. "No, sorry," She said into the mic. "Dean and I are strictly professional," She added.

Gabby looked disappointed. "Alright...well, you heard it first from Hollywood Insider. This is Gabby signing off!"

Onika smiled and waved. After a few more pictures, she went inside to join her mom and her best friend, Robyn, known professionally as Rihanna.

"It's bad to be late for your own movie premiere," Onika's mother, Carol chided gently.

"Auntie Carol," Robyn said, placing a hand on the older woman's shoulder. "You know the movie won't start until all the stars are here... Look, Dean just sat down," Robyn said, pointing to a shadowed figure in the back.

On cue, the theater lights dimmed, and the opening credits rolled onto the giant screen.

Later that night, I get a text message from Jon.

We need to talk.

About what?

You know what.

Where do you want to meet to discuss this?

The hotel room I'm staying at the ritz room 245

Okay, I'll see you soon.

"Guys, I'm leaving, so see you later," I said, then walking out the door.

"Bye!" Robyn yelled.

I got in my car then started heading to the hotel where Jon is staying. I parked my car then walked inside, leading to the elevator. I pushed the button to go up, and the doors opened.

I pushed the second floor button and then the doors shut. seconds later they opened and I stepped out walking to the room.

I knocked on the door and then it opened up revealing Jon. "Onika, come in." He said then stepping aside to let me in.

"What do you want?" I asked, walking into his hotel room.

"You know what I want," He answered.

"Jon, we can't keep doing this," I said.

"Of course we can. You belong to me," He replied.

"I don't belong to you and I barely know a thing about you besides I probably just walked into my death," I said.

"Onika, if I wanted to kill you. I would've made you meet me somewhere else other than the hotel that I'm staying at, come on," He said.

"Whatever, what's the purpose of me being here?" I asked him.

"Spend the night with me," He said.

"No thank you-" I was interrupted by his lips crashing on to mine then he pulled away.

"Just spend the night with me," He said.

"No sex," I said.

"No sex," He repeated.

We walked into the room.

I yawn before I lays down on my side, facing away from Jon. Jon lays right beside me and drapes his arm around my waist. Jon interlaces our hands and then he nuzzles my neck. "Good night, Jon." I said.

"Good night, Onika," Jon replies.

Jon turns off the lamp by his nightstand. It only takes about ten minutes for me to fall asleep. Jon falls asleep a few minutes later.

The next morning, sunlight streams through the windows, stirring Jon and I from our peaceful slumber. Limbs entwined and hair tousled, we open our eyes slowly and exchange contented smiles.

As I starts to slip from Jon's embrace, he grasps my arm to stop me. "What?" I asked him, confused.

"Where are you going?" He asks. 

"To make breakfast. I'm hungry," I replies.

"I'm hungry too, but not for food," Jon says with a wink.

I bites my lip. "Jon, stop! I really am hungry."

"But I did promise to start your morning with my spectacular oral skills. And you always say not to break promises," He reminds me smugly.

"That's true. Food can wait," I concedes, sliding back into bed.

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