12.Shine Bright

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"Find light in the beautiful sea. I choose to be happy."

- Rihanna

"What do you mean you've never skateboarded before?" He said as he snatched a board up from the ground and slid it towards her.

She ran her fingers down her grey sweatpants before stepping a foot on it, and then looking at him with a frown.

"What if I fall?" She asked.

She lifted her brow, and he smiled at her. He wasn't going to let that happen.

"I won't let you fall. C'mon, just stand up..." He said.

He stood behind her and placed his hands on her hips as she held herself up, and looked down at him. He adjusted her stance with his foot and she wobbled, but the grip he had on her sides was tight.

"Okay, now, push off a little bit.... I wanna see your stance..." He instructed as she pushed her foot off of the ground.

Good, she remembered, so at least he knew that she was paying attention earlier, and he wasn't hallucinating...He smirked as she pushed forward, and he noted the determination in her moves. She wanted to do this, and he wanted it to work out. She was a little bit wobbly, but she caught on quick, and recalled how to stop with her foot. He felt like he was melting when she looked back at him. He watched her turn it around like she'd seen him do, and she attempted to come back towards him.

"Oh, I think I'm doing it!" She said laughing.

She held her hands out like she was surfing, and he chuckled when she slid into him, and nearly off the board.

"Almost. But you almost busted your ass too, and look who caught you?" He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist as he watched the board hit the bottom of the half pipe, and she loosened up in his grip.

"Lucky me, huh?" She said.

She smiled as she looked up at him, and he smiled back at her before moving in quickly and pecking her lips.

She moved out of his hold and his smile turned into a smirk as he looked at her, and he gripped her hand and pulled her into another kiss. It felt right, it felt amazing, and when she relented and caught his bottom lip in her mouth, he had to hold back and remember where he was.

As he went back to retrieve her board so their lesson could continue, he tripped and fell over something. He looked down and saw a spray paint can rolling in the opposite direction as he groaned and hit the ground harder than he ever knew was possible. He slammed his eyes shut in pain as he gripped his knee, and then he opened his eyes.

"Oh my God, Seth, are you okay?" She asked getting on the ground next to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine just seeing your face makes the pain go away." He said causing her to smile.

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