Chapter Thirty-Four

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The multitude hurried past, impatiently pushing the cloaked man and a boy out of their way

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The multitude hurried past, impatiently pushing the cloaked man and a boy out of their way. Ruhak's dirty, jagged nails bit into Re'hotpe's shoulder as he struggled to pull him out of the crowd.

"You thought you could escape? You think you deserve a free life?"

Re'hotpe shivered, both from the venom lacing Ruhak's words and the assault of the man's halitosis. He had lost sight of Michal and Japheth a while ago, and he had never been more aware of his helplessness than he was at the moment.

"Don't you want to know why I'm still after you? Doesn't that spark your curiosity?"

Re'hotpe remained mute. Though his eyes were fixed on the vast crowd ahead, he saw nothing. How he hated his existence.

"Why wouldn't you speak boy? Answer me. Answer US!"


Re'hotpe shivered at the chilling tone Ruhak's voice had taken. It reminded him of the hiss of a snake. When he attempted to turn around, Ruhak's grip tightened on his shoulder.

"Stop!" Re'hotpe cried out. "You're hurting me." His shoulder was on fire.

"You think this is pain? Stupid pampered prince." Ruhak spat the word prince like it was something foul. "You're so soft. A little hold on your shoulder and you're wailing." He laughed and applied even more pressure.

"Please..." Re'hotpe begged, the abnormal pain in his shoulder causing strength to leave his legs.

"And he begs." Ruhak chuckled darkly. "How I love the sound." He snickered as he forcefully pushed Re'hotpe to the side, causing him to bump into a burly man. Re'hotpe whimpered as the man turned in their direction. A deep frown touched his solemn face.

"Now, now." Ruhak jerked his head at the man. "Move on, this is none of your business."

To Re'hotpe's shock and disappointment, the man's angry expression melted away as he acted on Ruhak's command. Something was not right. He was certain the man was about to comment, perhaps pummel Ruhak's face. So, what happened?

"Your mother is a fool. She has been getting too comfortable with the wrong crowd."

Re'hotpe froze mid-step. "M-my mother? You know nothing of my mother!" His anger rose even as Ruhak roughly pulled him along. To his dismay, they were fast approaching the back of the crowd.

"Ah, I knew that would spark your interest." Ruhak squeezed his tunic in a fist and shoved harder. "Her end is certain, but you on the other hand..." Ruhak chuckled low with dark excitement. "We are to do with you as we please."

Re'hotpe gulped, fear bathing him in hot and cold waves. Terror sat on his tongue, bitter and heavy.

"P-please, d-don't kill me," Re'hotpe managed to stutter.

"The last word we received from our master is the exact opposite of your plea."

"M-master? What master?" Sweat slid down his forehead and underarms.

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