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*now I don't want anyone to be depressed or sad these are just quotes and feelings that I need to write to feel better and let things out and beside cuz we all been there and felt it somehow sometime so if you related to any of them just select the part and comment on it*

People think depression is sadness, crying or dressing in black. But people are wrong. Depression is the constant feeling of being numb. You wake up in the morning just to go back to bed again..

Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much you can finally say "Im used to it" ?

Sometimes when I say "I'm okay" I just want someone to look at me in the eyes and hug me tight and tell me "I know your not" it'll make me at least smile cuz somebody knows me well unlike the others who doesn't even care ..

Sick of crying tired of trying ...yes I'm smiling...but inside I'm dying! 😞

I stopped searching for the monsters under my bed when I realized they are inside my head ..

When I tell my friends to stay away from me I mean it cuz I don't want them to get too close to me's dark inside's where my demons hide ..

Depression is living in a body that fights to survive with a mind that tries to die ..

Depression is not a sign of weakness.. it means you've been strong for too far long ..

I hide all my scars with a "I'm fine" and it contains from
F ucked up
I nsecure
N ervous
E motional

When I say these things .. I really don't mean it but no one can understand and they can't see the truth
I'm fine
I'm not fine,please help me!
I'm just tired
I can't Take this anymore..
Go away
Show me you care enough to stay!!
Im just cold
I don't want you to see my scars ..
I'm better,I promise!
I've never been that bad
I'm okay
I just wanna die

If you could read my mind .. you'd be in tears

The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up..

I feel like I bother people just by being alive ..

Cutting is not a trend at all's an addiction,it's like screaming but no one can hear .. it is an ever day battle can't stop no matter how hard you try..

I just lived the most Weird feeling ever,I was basically in my room writing and my brother pushed open the door and said "what are you doing?" I replied with"I'm just writing" he said "your not talking to guys and stuff right?" I just felt disappointed again like nobody trusts me it just hurts so bad I replied with "no I'm not,you can come and check by yourself that I'm just writing" he said the words I didn't heard for ages about myself he basically said " no need .. I trust you" I just stood there for a couple of minutes then just smiled and said "thank you" I feel a little bit better now ... at least somebody care and trust me ..

I don't know if I'm getting better or just used to the pain ..

My mind was a mess ... then I found a razor my body is a mess too..

How did they made me go from that little innocent girl that was always happy and laughing and entertaining people to ... this ?

I feel so fucked up,so depressed,so useless,I just wanna go to sleep and never wake up again.. ever

I'm not happy
I'm not unhappy
I am frozen somewhere in the middle
That is so much worse
I am nowhere
Nothing is happening
And I am getting more and more sad
I don't know what to do .....but cut to feel better

I hate it when people tell me to "just stay happy" so you think I chose to "just be depressed"?!

Maybe behind that smile,behind that happiness actually not fine
Maybe I am depressed
Maybe I cut
Maybe I think I'm a mistake in the first place
So what ?
What are you going to do about it?
I've already given up and I don't care anymore
It's too late cuz I think I lost myself....

Have you ever cried your eyes out because you are just

You don't need to tell me I'm me I already know

"why did you tried to kill yourself ?"
You told me to be happy ..

I'm a hypocrite..
I tell my friends that they shouldn't listen to what others think about them when I actually do
I tell them they shouldn't cut when I do
I tell them life is worth living when I've considered suicide
I tell them to be happy when I'm battling depressed

No,you have it all wrong I don't cut myself because I'm trying kill myself I cut myself because I'm fighting so hard to stay alive..please don't tell me to stop it's the only reason that keeps me going

The roses have wilted 🥀
The violets are dead 💀
The demons run circles
Round and round in my head

We're all in the same game,just different levels,dealing with the same hell,just different devils

Hope y'all enjoyed if you did please make sure to hit That vote button and comment to support my book
Thank you ..

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