Depression & self harming

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I just felt so so sad and I needed to let these all out and I searched for some quotas and saying but most of them are my feelings just needed to write .. cuz I promised myself to less my cutting issues even tho it's so hard to fight against it ,and you need to know that all the words I write in this describe me and my depression and I can relate to it so please read carefully cuz I'm so upset and just wondering what a real happiness is like I'm trying to feel it back but..

There's those night were you just break down realizing your lonely and nobody cares

I don't know if I'm depressed or not but there's this feeling I always feel like it's always there it's just a ... storm of sadness I always find a perfect timing to go and hide in my room and lay under a blanket and just cry and then I get up and without making any noises I grab the razor and go the bathroom lock the door and pull my sleeves up and stare at my old cuts from yesterday and that's when it hits me and all the possible bad things about myself and my mistakes goes around and around my head and .. There's always a voice at the time that says "do it!,do it! your useless anyways ,nobody ever cares for you ,that's why nobody asks how do you feel" and that's it were I close my eyes and put the razor on my warm skin and just start to cut it and then I get out and just go back to my room as I cry and cry and cry for me being who I am for being a bad influence on my friends ..if only they knew all those things I do to myself then my mom calls me to go and eat dinner I simply refuse and just keep on my room and make myself busy with home works and then I feel asleep and in the morning I fake a smile and go to school and the same old shit happens all over again but worse and worse each day..

*when someone catches your scars,and gasp*
Yeah it hurts ..but it's okay ..I'm used to the pain ..don't worry about me ..even tho I know you'll forget what you see in the very next morning and what hurts the most is .. you'll never ask about it again ..😞

The worst part of cutting and depression is the people who don't have it, just don't get it, they think it's really easy to stop,don't ever expect someone to stop cutting by just telling them some simple words and never ask about it again

I miss the person who I used to be ..

Sometimes I get so sad that it's hard to even breath and I just suddenly out of nowhere start to cry with no emotions it's just warm tears falling down from my eyes that makes me sigh and just cry for what I'm in so tell me how do you expect me to talk about my demons and all the shits that's going on around my mind when they're sitting on my lungs and I totally know you won't get it and make fun of it anyways!!

She cuts herself,never too deep,never enough to die,but enough to feel the pain.. enough to feel the screams inside of her

Don't be fooled by her smile
Inside she's breaking
A strong girl
keeps her stuff in line
With pain and tears running on her Veins
But she stills manage to spit the simple words "I'm fine"

The harder I try the harder I fall..

First cut,you feel relief
Second cut,you feel closure
Third cut,you feel like you could do this forever
It's just that your body feels the need to do it and you can't fight it to stop

Pink scars
Fading away
To be replaced with new ones ..

People wonder why I'm depressed
Maybe because I think there's not enough words to describe it
Maybe because I think I'm a total worthless teen
Maybe because I think of myself as a mistake in the first place
Maybe because I think I'm so useless
Maybe because I think I'm a disappointment for everyone
Maybe because I think I don't worth it
Maybe because I think I'm not good enough
Maybe because I think I'm fat
Maybe because I think I'm ugly
Maybe because I think my grades are so low compared to others
Maybe because I think everyone looks at me as a low minded person
Maybe because I cry myself to sleep every night
Maybe because I feel bad about myself
Maybe because I just hate me
But who cares they'll never do and they won't ever try to

I get my hopes too high when a guy talks to me I think
"Maybe he likes me.." but then the very next day he pretends like I never existed .. so I go to bed and cry a little.. or maybe a lot Then I remember
I'm too ugly to be loved
I'm too unattractive to be loved
I'm too useless to be loved
I'm too broken to be loved
I'm not worthy of love
I'm not worthy of anything
Not even living

You think you want to die but in reality you really wanna be saved ..

The water is clear
But your wrists are stained
Your face says happy
But your eyes says pain

Maybe If I faked a smile or a laugh it will be all okay .. or maybe they'll believe it and not talk about it ..

Not all the scars show
Not all the wounds heal
Sometimes you can't see
The pain someone feels

Do you just feel like your so boring like you just are annoying to everyone even tho you did nothing  to them I mean when my best friend ask me "what's wrong?" I simply reply with "nothing,everything is fine" cuz I feel think to myself it's enough,probably if i tell her why I'm sad she'll be like "ughh it's the same old shit,I'm so sick of you" and Leave me alone and just be disappointed ..just like everyone did and still do .. 😞I hate it

I hate being like that.. sad and depressed all the time but have to act happy to people so they don't leave me for being self harmed and annoying by just being sad .. 😭

When you see a person who is depressed you have no right way to chuckle at them and make fun of them
Cuz it's not a choice we made
It's not what we want to feel
It's not a game
It's not a childish thing 
for fuck sakes!

I don't need to show you I'm depressed all the time in fact I don't want you to see me depressed I fight so hard to hide my pain and hold my tears every day at school just to not make you worried for me cuz I'm thinking about you and want you to smile but sometimes it's just gets out of my hands and my happy fakey mood swipe up and I can't help it ..but then when I sit down and try to talk to you and tell you I feel? .. am I alright ? I still cutting?.. am I depressed?.. how do I think about myself?..  am I self harmed?.. but all you tell me is "your not depressed,don't act like that" with "making fun at"  face I just hate it  when you tell me all that because first of all you won't let me talk and second of all you just don't get it !!

My demons do not hide in the shadows
They play in plain sight
Everyone is just too blind
To see them ripping me apart
But I have to act like there's absolutely nothing wrong with me
Because I know them ,if they knew about my depression they
Just make fun of it.. just like they do at everything I do ..😞


Nobody dies a virgin,life fucks us all

Do you ever feel sooo sad
That your Chest aches
And your heart beats but you just feel so empty
Like your nothing and your life is nothing
And you feel like everything would be better
If you just sleep for a while
Well that's how I always feel ..

Vote and comment if you feel just ..sad
Love you

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