My own song

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So the other day I was sitting in my bed studying mathematic cuz I had a quiz about it in the very next day .. I have no idea how did that happen but

I wrote a song I grabbed some papers to solve the math problems and I was playing with my pen when these ideas and lyrics hit me up

So the song called "farts"


I know your like "why the fuck she would write a song about that" no? okay 😂

However I hope you enjoy the song lol


I believe I can fart

I believe I could burp so hard

And I bet you they smell pretty bad

That you can't even walk from it fast

Cuz once you smelled these burger meals

I bet you it could even rip your ears

Cuz they are extra harsh and sharp

That they  could even throw you apart

So if you fade don't blame it on me

Who told you to even walk near me

I'm the monster who've been called mrs farts

Cuz I have torened everyone with bombs

And once I do eat those chocolates

When they come out they smell like garbage

They smell extra disgusting

That they even made me hate those wings

And now my butthole hurts so bad

It doesn't matter cuz able songs are wack

Now everyone's laughing surround

They don't know that I'm dying around

Cuz I've been holding a huge ass fart

I can explode in any time apart

Now chill your tits I'm just kidding you

I wrote that song specially for you

The fact is I don't even fart that much

But when I do the birds falls apart

Now I can fart if you want me to

But let's hide the fact that you farted too


lol please comment what do you think of it 😂


I'm just kidding lmao 😂 but I WROTE A SONG gosh this is crazy lmao

I love the song tho

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Love y'all 😂✌️

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