Hate and savagery

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Haters don't really hate you,in fact they hate themselves because your a reflection of what they wise to be

Whoever is trying to bring you down is already blow you..

Don't worry about those who talk behind your back,they're behind you for a reason

I keep it real and that's a promise
I may be whatever you call me,but I'm honest
When I walk by,you stop and stare
Well keep looking cause I really don't care
I have my own life and style
Not trying to please you or smile
When it comes to competition your out
So shut your hatin self
And keep me out of your mouth

Behind every successful person,lies a pack of haters..


I don't give a flying f*ck for anyone who hate me,they created their own little drama out of pure jealousy

I pay these silly b*tches no mind
Their jealousy disgust me
Only time they get attention
Is when the topic is to discuss me

Rumors are carried by haters
Spread by fools
Accepted by idiots

People only rain on their parade,because they're jealous of your sun and tired of their shade

You call me a bitch?
a bitch is a dog
Dogs bark
Barks comes from the trees
Trees are natural
Natural is beautiful
So yeah
thanks for the compliment✌️

When people don't know what's going on in your life they..
When they think they know they..
When they do know they just..

Shoutout to all my haters,sorry you can't phase me

Don't like me?
Aww imma cry
Why don't you go take a seat with the rest of the hoes waiting for me to give a fuck huh :)

Who are you to judge the life I live in?
I am not perfect and I don't have to be!
Before you start pointing fingers..
Make sure your hands are clean 😏

Be happy in front of your haters it kills them..

Haters only hate the people they can't be so keep holding your head high ..

Dear haters..
I couldn't help but to notice "awesoME" ends with (ME)and Ugly starts with (U)

People who hate you are just your confused admirers they can't find the reason why everybody loves you..

And last but Not the least
A little love poem to haters..

Roses are red
Violets are blue

So always smile and be strong cuz people will
hate you
Rate you
Shake you
Break you
How you stand strong is what makes you YOU
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