My cutting issues are getting worse

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*pfft looking back ..those are nothing compare to the ones I have now *

When I stand by the window of my class at school
Or at home or around people
I'm often silent
That's when I'm screaming inside ..

Read my lips
I told you a lie
I said I'm fine
But look into my eyes
I want to die

It's past midnight
And the demons are here
To eat up the small pieces
Of happiness I picked up today..

You can't see that I'm hurting
You don't notice the pain I'm feeling
It feels like everyone else is sitting in the sunshine
While I drown in the rain ..

Emotionally: I'm in pain
Mentally: I'm depressed
Spiritually: I'm stressed
Physically: I smile

Im so sick of looking in the mirror and seeing myself
I want to be thin and pretty
Just for once .. 😞

And sometimes I just need to be alone so I can cry without being judged so I can think without being interrupted
So I don't bring anyone else down with me ..

Describe what it's like to cut..
Well go to the beach and walk in the water blindfolded,you just keep walking you don't know where you're going,you just know that you're going deeper that's what the build up to cutting feels like,you don't know where your going,depression has blinded you,all you know is your going deeper,now just going until you drown,you want air,you want relief you don't want to be drowning anymore,now imagine the relief when someone pulls you out of the water,that's what cutting is,relief
relief from the pain you've been drowning in
relief from not being good enough
Relief from the feeling like you're fat
Relief from your imperfections and insecurities
You might find cutting disgusting
And you may be never understand it
But when your drowning you need saving
You need relief
So what is cutting like?
It's relief..

Cuts cuts cuts
They are everywhere
There are more then 60 cuts in my body
They are countless
One cut,two cut,three cut,four
Cry for a while then cut some more
Open cut,closed cut
Old cut,new cut,cut dripping blood
Drag the blade across and watch it floods
Cut on my wrists,cut on my thighs
Wait 'til everyone's asleep then cut at night
Small cut,big cut,cut too deep
Sit and watch as it continues to bleed
Hi cut,bye cut,it keeps bleeding

Some times you need to distance yourself from people
If they care,they'll notice
If they don't, you know where to stand

I fall too fast
Crash too hard
Forgive too easily
Care too much
I simply over think way too much

Have you ever cried because you are .... you?
I just hate every inch of my body
I'm fat
I'm ugly
I'm just the perfect definition of unattractive
Sometimes I feel like people push them selfs to talk and be friends with me ...even my best friend even tho she didn't anything to make me think like that but it's just the thoughts that control me
She deserves to be with someone as perfect as her .. not me
I'm just disgusting..and that's one of the reasons why I cut myself..
I don't have any confidence in me .. how can I have when I'm like that ..

"So you got addicted to it?" She asked tracing over the cuts from last night with her fingertips
I shrugged "I didn't get addicted to the cutting,I got addicted to the relief,the numbness,the blood that forms,my body just aches for it" I said pulling my sleeves down
" you wouldn't understand anyways"

Love hurts
Parents yell
Boys lie
People die
You always try
You are never enough
And you don't know why

They'll check you wrists
But not your thighs
They'll check your smile
But not your eyes
They'll avoid the truth
Believe the lies

Cutting:is underrated,over looked, and mocked
What people need to learn is that self harm
not a fashion statement,or phase,or a joke of any kind

When you are aware of someone who is cutting
Try to make them stop
Well it's just simple
The reason they cut is that because either
1)they think nobody cares for them
2)they think they are not good enough
3)they hate their body it's because they think they are ugly and fat
4)parents issues
5)they have a problem two or even more that it's bigger then their age and mind to be deal with
6)they been bullied
7)because the people/friends around them are clever and just perfect in every way rather it be they take responsibilities,they have respect everywhere,every body love them,everybody wants to talk to them and be friends with them,they got the perfect body,every guy/girl has a crush on them at school
8) they think that nobody trusts them
And many other reasons
But how to make them stop
You can basically show them the love they need to feel
You need to show that you care for real not just asking them how are they for one day and completely ignore or act like you don't know they cut the very next day
Just show them that they are stronger then Cutting
Show them that you actually care
Ask them how are they every day
Ask them how they feel
Try to tell them to stop cutting in a good way
P.s don't be demanded with them
Try to be nice and always ALWAYS make sure to ask them how are they and tell them that you care
Try to tell them that they are beautiful when you see them crying or even out of nowhere
Complement them
Kiss their cheeks all of the sudden and if they ask why tell them that they have a kissable cheeks and you just wanted to
I'm pretty positive that you'll changed their day 360 degrees better and they'll less their cutting issues and slowly stop it but you need to never stop all that
But unfortunately nobody did that with me..😞

Let's say if a car was coming towards me
I wouldn't
I would just stand there

Amazing how much a long sleeve and a fake smile can hide

They say stop cutting .. they don't understand it's not that easy

I hate it when people make jokes about
Cutting, suicide, disorders
Because you don't know what the people around you are going through
It hurts ..

I feel pathetic when I looks at other people's scars that are worse than mine ..

Depression is an illness not s choice

A little cut here
A little cut there
No one will see
No one will care
I swear they don't
They say that they do but they don't cuz bitch you're not showing me that you care

If you know me,you know that
1) I hate liars
2) I'm loyal
3) I'm honest
4) I'm weird
5) I hate being ignored
6) I text back fast

Being ignored by someone who means the world to you is the worst feeling ever

Maybe the saddest people always try their hardest
To make people happy
Because they know what it's like
To feel absolutely worthless
And they don't want any body else
To feel like that ..

Stay smiling you deserve better than sadness:)
you really do

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Love you

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