A Celebration, Part One

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   Note: Thank you all so much for reading my little story that somehow made it to 1K views! I love all of you! A very special thanks to those who show support by commenting, liking, posting on my message board, and even just those who added it to their library/reading list. I want to be more interactive, so read until the end for a chance to be in the story!

   "A celebration?" Gladion muttered, "For what?" Hau had made a huge announcement in the middle of the malasada shop, claiming that tonight they were having a big party. 

   "For us! For you, overcoming your differences with me, and Moon too! For you just being with us! Not to mention beating down Team Skull! Moon is the one who suggested it, and she's telling everyone about it, so it'll be a huge event!" Hau smiled, making hand motions to describe how big it would be.

   "I don't know if I want to be piled into a place with people I don't know.." Gladion glanced down, trying not to offend Hau. After all, opening up to a few people didn't mean he was ready to interact with EVERYONE. He found it hard to trust others..

   "It's a bit too late.. To call it off. Trust me, I'll make sure you're having fun! Don't worry about it!" Hau's eyes put Gladion at ease, and he knew he would be forced into the party either way so.. Might as well deal with it..

   "Fine, but you better have a VIP area for us. I don't do crowds very well." Gladion gave him a weak smile, and Hau nodded. 

   "Of course! Anything for the guy of honor! My boyfriend of honor!" Hau gleamed. He seemed very proud of himself. "It'll start at 6 tonight, and go until everyone is gone! It's gonna be a blast! Now I need to go help set up! Be there!"

   "I will be." Hau gave him a kiss on the cheek before running off, excitedly. Jeez, Gladion was lucky but.. It could be overwhelming at times. He only hoped he would enjoy himself tonight.

   He decided to head to the motel, as he noticed posters strung up around the town. "HUGE PARTY AT THE BEACH" "1K CELEBRATION" "GLADION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They read. He face palmed. This was a bit embarrassing. Who would come and.. why? He sighed. It was best to just let Hau and Moon did what they want, seeing as once they put their mind to something, it was unstoppable.

   A few hours passed, as Gladion stared at the clock, bored. Now that he had friends, he didn't know how he had managed to just be alone all the time. It was.. excruciating. He had played with Silvally, fed all of his pokemon but it was just so.. empty. He reached for his phone, looking at his texts.. Maybe..

Nullified: Lillie, do you want to come over?

*is hold by moon*: Sure! I'll be right there!

   He sighed a breath of relief, before making the motel a bit more presentable. In just a bit, there was a knock at the door, and he opened it to see a smiling Lillie. She set her bag down inside, letting Nebby wander out, exploring the room.

   "So.. How's mom?" He asked, realizing it was a bit awkward.

   "Insane..Once you left, she became worse, obsessing over the Ultra Beasts. She used.. Nebby here to open up the wormhole once before but.. It really hurt him. That's why I took it and we escaped." Lillie looked down, fiddling with her dress.

   "I'm.. I'm sorry for leaving you like that. I just couldn't stand it anymore!" He sighed.

   "Gladion.. I know. I know you had to. Don't feel bad!" Lillie smiled reassuringly. 

   They talked for hours about everything, showing each other funny pics, laughing until they couldn't breathe, just catching up. "Oh! It's almost time for the party!"

Note: Do you want to be in the next chapter? Message me! I will include your oc, or you, as guests at the party! Send a description of how you look, and your personality! This is my thank you for 1K!

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