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   "You're literally keeping me captive here!?" Gladion hissed, backed into the corner.

   "That's.. harsh. I'm keeping you here as a.. precaution. Just until you remember everything!" Hau smiled. By now, Moon had gone home, she was exhausted. Now it was only them, and Gladion had waken up a short time later. He'd backed up into the corner, throwing various items at Hau.

   "You're insane!" Gladion threw a pokeball at him, which missed. "You did something to me! Mother was right, the outside world is terrible! I want to go home!"

   "Gladion.." Hau sighed sadly. He had no idea what to do. There'd never been any situation like this before. He dealt with pokemon problems, not humans! What's worse, it was really depressing to not be remembered by the person you loved.

   "Let me tell you about us.." He recounted the story of how they met at the malasada shop, how they went to the festival together after shopping for clothes. From their first realizations to their first kiss, how together they were able to beat Team Skull. Images flashed through Gladion's head, causing him to go silent. His head once again began to pound.

   "Hau. Your name is Hau. I know that. I know the things you're telling me. But at the same time, they're strange and new. It's like.. It's like getting deja vu in the middle of no where, like you've seen the situation before." He brought his hands to his head, groaning.

   "Please, try to get past it! I love you, Gladion. I want us to be like how we were before. I want to beat the Aether Foundation!" Hau's voice had raised.

   "You can't! You don't know what you're doing! You always were an idiot." Gladion sighed.

   "I was? You remember that I was?" Hau smiled.

   "No! .. Maybe?" He got dizzy. "If it's true, why do I love you of all people!? No, why would you love me!? I can't be the person you think I am. No one loves me. If it's true, even my own mother had to change me to love me.."

   "Because. You're sensitive like me. You're caring and determined and you don't let anything get in your way! You're strategic and careful; stern but practical! You never were good at realizing how amazing you were." Hau sighed.

   "You really love me?" Gladion looked up at him. His vision was blurry, but he could roughly make out the boy.

   Hau closed the space between them leaning in and kissing him. "I love you, and you're broken. That doesn't make me love you less. I want to be with you at your worst so I can later see you at your best. I want to build the future with you, Gladi." He smiled.

   "Hau." A million images raced through his head, and memories returned. He really loved Hau. He loved Hau more than anything else, how could he forget that?

   "Let's.. Let's go to sleep." Gladion was now drained, emotionally and physically. He got into Hau's bed, who hesitantly joined him. It reminded him of their first night together at the hotel. They had to get back to Aether and gave Lusamine. After all; his Sylvally was gone. Hau kissed his forehead. "Don't worry about it for now, okay?"

   Gladion nodded, falling asleep. It would be over soon.

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