Chapter 34

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It was two days now until Carolines due date and she was getting increasingly irritable
"Luke I swear to god you are not touching me again. I feel so uncomfortable" she said
"Baby come on how can you resist this" I said laughing and lifting my top up.
"Well when you put it like that, come and give mama some loving" she said pulling me close.
We started kissing and it turned into a heated make out session. Just as I was about to put my hands down her panties she winced in pain
"You ok baby" I asked concerned
"Yeah don't stop I'll be fine"
I continued and just as I inserted my finger into her she screamed in pain and a gush of water appeared. Her waters had broke.
"Damn baby I think your waters may have broke we need to get you to the hospital, I will call mama on the way, hurry up"
Our baby boy decided to turn up two days early.
"It hurts Luke please hurry" she said squeezing my hand
"I'm trying baby, it shouldn't be much longer maybe ten minutes or so" I said
We pulled into the hospital car park and I ran to the Materity ward and grabbed a wheelchair and headed back to the truck.
"Come on baby they know we are coming" I said.
I wheeled her into Reception and was met by a rather friendly receptionist called Cadence
"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Bryan, just follow me and I will get y'all settled into your delivery room. Your midwife will be here in a few minutes just relax as best you can. Mr Bryan can I get you a coffee at all" she asked
I looked at Caroline asking her permission
"Go ahead baby" she said
"Yes ma'am two sugars and hazelnut creamer if you have"  I said
"No problem." She said going out the door
The midwife came in and got Caroline checked out.
"I see you are already 8 centimetres dilated, you are doing really well. Won't be long till the little man is here with us, y'all picked a name yet?"
"Yeah we have" I said " Thomas Boyer Bryan, but we gonna call him Bo"
"Oh that is so cute. In just going to get you some gas and air Caroline take the edge off the final stages. Once we get to ten centimetres that's when we will start to push, ok Caroline"
She nodded her head.
"Baby in just going out to see if mama is there I won't be long ok. Love you" I said kissing her sweaty head.
Mama was in the waiting room. I explained everything the midwife said and she said that Carolines mama and daddy where on there way. I told her I would keep her posted and headed back to be with Caroline.
I reached the room and I could hear her screaming I rushed in
"I'm here baby" I said holding her hand
The midwife came in and gave her another check
"Good news Caroline you are at ten centimetres, it's time to push"
I was beyond excited we were going to meet our son.
Twenty minutes later,
"Come on baby one final push, his head is out you can do this" I said holding her hand
"Arrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh" she screamed and out he came he was beautiful even though he was covered in blood and mucus
"Caroline and Luke, meet your son, Thomas Boyer" she said placing him in Caroline arms. I leaned over and kissed her head and then Bo's.
"Baby he is beautiful" I said
"Isn't he just. Now the fun begins" she said smiling.

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